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10 Foods To Put You and Your Partner in The Mood

10 Foods To Put You and Your Partner in The Mood

Aphrodisiac, by definition, is when foods, drinks, or drugs stimulate sexual desires. While this is not a new term, the list of foods, drinks, and herbs that are considered to be aphrodisiac tend to grow every so often. The question is: what foods can get you and your partner in the mood?


All right, we all know why this would be the top choice! However, jokes aside, bananas are rich in potassium, which is mainly thought to help your libido. In simple terms, it’s been said that eating foods that are high in potassium like a banana is excellent in getting the best orgasms of your life, and who doesn’t want that?


Okay, this might sound a little bit weird, but asparagus makes the long list of foods that people will purposely choose to eat on a date to get you and your partner turned on. It has such an enormous amount of Vitamin E. While you don’t think sex when you think of vitamin E, it helps by stimulating your sexual hormones. I would eat these and skip dessert!

Chili Peppers

All right, now, this might just spice up your sex life – pun intended – I’m sorry I had to do it! The best thing to eat is chili peppers because of this oil-substance called capsaicin. Unless you got heart problems, it’s the middle of the day, and you’re just really excited to get your groove going – this is the way to go. Take a bite and allow the sensation of the peppers to increase your endorphin.

However, you don’t necessarily need to eat the peppers whole like that. You can honestly just spice up your foods in any way you want. I recommend that if you are of age making a chili pepper margarita. It tastes so good!

But, please, before you do anything that you might regret later, if you handled any type of chili – wash your hands!


Just like asparagus, I know this isn’t that the top of your list. Eating garlic and then going to make out with someone? It doesn’t sound like it’s going to go down the way you want it to. However, garlic contains allicin. Allicin is a compound that supposedly increases blood flow to your genitals. However, experts say this isn’t like if you eat garlic for dinner, and that it’s a done deal.

No, what they mean is to use garlic as a daily dose instead. Eat it every day, and it’s supposed to help you get into the mood a lot quicker and better.


Okay, while maca technically isn’t a type of food to eat since it’s a root, it has so many benefits you’ll want to add it to almost everything. As I said, it’s a root, just like ginger, and so adding it to foods is easy.

Huge warning, apparently maca root, is known to increase fertility. A powerful herb – increases sexual desires and helps with fertility – what can go wrong with that?


Chocolates may not be a real aphrodisiac option when it comes to a list of foods, but the reason why I listed it is because it is necessary.

Chocolate is delicious, comes in different types, and almost everyone loves it. So why did I include it if it technically doesn’t excite you? The real reason: it’s on here because of the anticipation of how to use it. I don’t mean using it sexually like a prop or something (that’s a whole other list). What I mean is dip a strawberry in it, take a bite, and just let your freak side fly with it. Have extra melted chocolate? Dip your finger inside and suck on it, and if you’re feeling really lucky, have them suck on your finger. The anticipation of how you can use it to arouse your partner is all up to you, but that is why it’s on this list even though it technically isn’t a type of food that can put you in the mood.


Our favorite saying: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. While it technically isn’t a food group, alcohol does play such an essential part of sexual desires. Like anything else, too much of anything is never a good thing (consent is significant – use it). Booze, mainly, red wine is the lubricant of sexual desires. It keeps us relaxed and at ease. We can have conversations at a more comfortable pace, and it heats your body – literally. Personally, red wine is usually the given and more popular choice when trying to choose alcohol that is sultry, but also low enough in alcohol content that you won’t be talking in gibberish after a glass or two.

See Also
How To Bring Up Sex With Your New Boyfriend


Anyone else remembers the scene from White Chicks where Terry Crews devours the plate of oysters in a way to make his date into him? While he hilariously went overboard with the oysters and his tongue – way overboard – it is said that oysters are the perfect type of aphrodisiac in foods because it has high properties of the mineral zinc.

Zinc is excellent and vital because it helps not only testosterone’s production but also sperm production. It sounds like this one is for you, dudes!


Okay, anyone else thinks of “Drunk on Love” by Beyoncé when thinking of watermelons? No? Just me? I don’t know, but she was going somewhere with the lyrics when she mentioned watermelons. Watermelon is rich in a non-essential amino acid citrulline. Like Viagra, citrulline relaxes and dilates blood vessels. Gentlemen, it looks like you can keep your night (or day) going naturally!


Let’s think back to Valentine’s Day. What’s the number one item of food that is always, and I mean, always shown for sale? Besides chocolate, that is! If you guessed strawberries, then you’re right. It looks like a heart; it tastes sweet, can be dipped in basically anything sexual (honey, whip cream, chocolate), and if done right can look downright sexy to your partner. Strawberries are full of vitamin C. Why does that matter? Well, vitamin C is great to keep the blood flowing all over your body – and we mean all over, the nether region included. So, skip the cake, and go straight for the sexiest type of foods there is, and enjoy your night—wink, wink.

Different foods to different drinks have different effects on what exactly it does to your body, and you know maybe none of this will work on you – the power of suggestion is real people. If you want, you shall have it, or something along of those lines. These are just ten of the foods I think can work – there is a whole world out there with foods you might enjoy a lot more!