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10 Foods To Avoid If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

10 Foods To Avoid If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

It seems like there are fats and sugars in just about everything. If you are trying to lose weight, keep reading to learn about these 10 foods to avoid.

Nowadays, it seems like there are hidden fats and sugars in just about every food you pick up. Some foods that you may think are healthy are actually not at all, and could actually be keeping you from reaching your goals. If you are trying to lose weight, keep reading to learn about these 10 foods you should avoid.

1. Bagels

Bagels are delicious, but they are high in calories and high in carbs, and that is before you even put your favorite cream cheese. Don’t deprive yourself, but definitely do not eat a bagel every single day.

2. Diet Soda

No, they are not better than regular soda. The artificial sweeteners in diet soda are absolute trash for your body. These sweeteners trick your body into thinking it is getting real sugar, which spikes your insulin levels and turns into fat.


3. Granola Bars

Some granola bars are great, but you really have to pay attention to the label on these. If you aren’t careful, it is basically no different than if you had picked up a candy bar.

4. Donuts

Yes, this one seems obvious, but it is an easy grab. Donuts, cookies, and cupcakes are always the last thing you see on your way out of the dining hall. Donuts are empty calories, though, as they definitely won’t fill you and they are high in fats and sugar.

5. Lunch Meat

Even though it is relatively cheap to buy and easy to throw on some bread, try to avoid lunch meat. It is extremely high in sodium, and if you pile it on your sandwich, you could be consuming almost half your daily sodium intake in one meal.


6. Whole Milk

Whole milk is also really easy to access in the dining hall, but it is definitely something to skip. Your bad cholesterol rises when your drink whole milk, and your good cholesterol lowers. (Which is so bad for you in the long run.) Try soy, almond, or coconut milk instead if you are trying to lose weight.

7. Cereal

Not all cereals are created equal. While there are some good ones out there, a lot of breakfast cereals have a ton of sugar in them. Try loading up on oatmeal with fresh fruit instead.

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8. Pretzels

Pretzels are an easy snack, but they aren’t healthy. They are high in salt, but have little to no nutritional value, which means you can finish a bag and still be hungry.

9. Yogurt

Plain yogurt, Greek yogurt, coconut milk yogurt… those are the good ones! The flavored yogurts your mom used to pack you in your lunch box? Definitely not. They are packed with sugar and you will be hungry again 20 minutes later.

10. Microwave Popcorn

I know, it’s delicious and only takes roughly 2 minutes to make. Microwave popcorn is full of sodium, unhealthy fats, and chemicals you can’t even pronounce. Save yourself from the gross stuff and air pop your own.

What foods do you avoid when you are trying to lose weight? Tell us in the comments!
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