Food & Drink

Best Hamburger Restaurants To Visit While In Chicago
Best Hamburger Restaurants To Visit While In Chicago

Hamburger restaurants are the ideal place to go when you want something that is fast,…

Top 5 Comfort Food Recipes For Your Next Cozy Night In
Top 5 Comfort Food Recipes For Your Next Cozy Night In

Comfort food is my jam, there is absolutely no doubt about it. I imagine a…

10 Spiked Seltzer Brands To Try This Summer
10 Spiked Seltzer Brands To Try This Summer

I’m going to be honest here. I’m not a major drinker, and when I do…

Quick Meal Ideas To Make In Under 10 Minutes
Quick Meal Ideas To Make In Under 10 Minutes

Making your own meals may not always be fun and could take up way too…

Surprisingly Delicious Vegan Dishes Even Meat Lovers Will Eat

When most people think about vegan food they think about what’s missing. These vegan dishes…

7 Cocktails You Must Try At Home This Summer

With summer kicking in, it’s patio time! The sun and A good cocktail definitely is…

10 Easy Ways to Cook With Tempeh

Tempeh is an ingredient that not many people are familiar with, but it is an…

Summer Dinner Recipes To Get Your Veggies In
Summer Dinner Recipes To Get Your Veggies In

Vegetables are always tasty, but during the summertime, they are ripe, fresh, and perfect for…

Choosing The Right Cup Of Coffee For You
Choosing The Right Cup Of Coffee For You

Coffee is a tasty drink that can give you an extra boost of energy in…

10 Vegan Recipes That Are Anything But Boring
10 Vegan Recipes That Are Anything But Boring

Some people believe the common misconception that vegans only eat leaves and their food is…