Food & Drink

10 Snacks That Are 100 Calories Or Less

10 Snacks That Are 100 Calories Or Less

It's easy to over-indulge during the holiday season! From devouring an entire bag of potato chips to eating a whole…

5 years ago

The Best Chain Coffee Shops That Aren’t Starbucks

I've got nothing against Starbucks, except that they are on every single street corner and the green mermaid stares into…

5 years ago

10 Great Healthy Snack Ideas For College Students

Snacking is an essential part of college, but a lot of popular snacks are super high in calories. If you're…

5 years ago

10 Great Warm Drinks To Get At Your Coffee Shop (That Aren’t Coffee)

Coffee- it's such a staple beverage of Western society. Whether you're a cappuccino gal or more of a cold brew…

5 years ago

10 Hipster Food Trends That We’ve Finally Warmed Up To

Let's just ask the question: what's the deal with hipster food? The past couple of years have been nothing short…

5 years ago

10 Alcoholic Drinks That Won’t Make You Break Your Diet

Nights out at bars or in with friends are always fun but what's not fun is consuming a bunch of…

5 years ago

Creative Cake Recipes That’s Great For Every Party

You're throwing a party, and you have the best decorations and the best music playing everywhere. Everyone's having a great…

5 years ago

Top Places To Get Cheesesteaks In Philadelphia

If you’re visiting Philadelphia and looking for a true cheesesteak experience, allow this list to guide you past the mediocre cheesesteaks, and…

5 years ago

The Most Unhealthy Salad Dressings You Should Avoid

Most people agree that salads are some of the healthiest meals you can eat. All the fruit and vegetables that…

5 years ago

10 European Street Foods We Should Adopt In The States

Ever explore a new place, throw pennies into the fountains, stroll through the streets, and then realize that it's 2p.m.…

5 years ago