Being in college is obviously expensive--even before you get to paying off your loans. Between food, books and supplies (not…
One of the amazing things that New York City has to offer are the tacos. The kind that is guaranteed…
Trader Joe's is a chain of specialty food stores that's grown pretty popular in recent years. It's one of those…
Making a big change to your diet can be difficult. Cutting out your favorite foods or not quite understanding which…
There's something so grown up and classy about having a constant stock load of your favorite drink materials. It makes…
As someone with an extreme sweet tooth, I have spent an embarrassing amount of time on Yelp looking up dessert…
If you’ve ever been to Europe in the summer, you know that rosé is the de rigeur drink of summer.…
This past week, I had just three days to experience Stockholm! Thankfully, one of my best friends (who are from…
While many UVA students are exploring Europe or working in the New York City or D.C. business world this summer,…
Summer is the season of hot days and nights, time on the beach, great food, and relaxation. No matter what…