Categories: Food & Drink

10 Food Combinations That Should Never Happen

Some food combinations are amazing that you would have never thought would be good. The food combinations on this list do not fall under that category. They are combinations of food that have happened but should never have happened to begin with. 

Pasta with ketchup on top

This is one of the food combinations that might seem like it could be good in theory, but it isn’t. Some sweeter sauces can pair well with noodles, but ketchup is a condiment that never belongs with pasta. 

Marinara might be made with tomatoes, but the processing is different for both sauces that makes or breaks it when being paired with noodles. 

Don’t let the smiling ketchup face on the picture below fool you, this combination should have never seen the light of day. 

Waffles with marinara sauce

It’s one thing to have pizza-stuffed waffles and dip them into marinara sauce. But to have just regular waffles and put marinara sauce on top of them? Gross. 

Normal waffles usually need something sweet to counter the dough, so syrup is usually the go-to unless you like your waffles plain. 

Marinara sauce has more tang than syrup usually does, so it just doesn’t work with waffles. If those waffles are stuffed with cheese and other pizza toppings, then yeah it might work better.

Cereal with orange juice

Out of all the food combinations out there in the world, why is this one a thing? Does orange juice taste good next to cereal? Yes. In cereal? Ew. There’s a reason milk is always used for cereal if any liquid is used at all. 

The flavor and genetic make-up of milk just works the best with every cereal flavor and any sweeteners and sugars that cereal has. 

Orange juice is sweet, tangy, and has acid from the orange. You might think it tastes okay on the first few bites, but once the components of the orange juice kick in you will regret this life decision. 

Processed cheese in cereal

Again with the strange food combinations with cereal. It’s one thing if the cheese is added to a dry cereal, then you don’t have to deal with soggy cheese in milk. I just can’t imagine any cereal that would actually taste good with cheese added to it. 

Cheese has to be paired with certain flavors for it to not taste gross, depending on the type of cheese you use. Cereal is usually just too sugary for it to work with almost any cheese. 

Popcorn with ketchup

There are many different toppings you can put on popcorn to make it taste even better. Caramel, butter, various seasonings. Ketchup is not one of them. 

It is sweet and goes great on hotdogs and burgers, but sometimes experiments go bad and this one is just wrong. Other than the mere taste of the salty popcorn with the sweet ketchup, it’s also very messy and hard to mix to begin with since popcorn crumbles very easily. 

As the picture below shows, it’s not very appetizing either once you manage to mix in the ketchup with the popcorn. 

Peanut butter and Mayo Sandwich

It might look good in the picture below, but too much mayo can destroy the taste of any sandwich. On top of that, the peanut butter taste will simply not work with the mayo. 

Mayo has a taste that should make it just be by itself. Even when paired with ketchup and/or mustard it still is a hit or miss. If you add too much mayo, it overpowers everything and just turns all the sauces into a disgusting glob that drips off the side of the sandwich faster than you can lick it. 

Peanut butter is best either by itself or paired with jelly. 

See Also

Oreos in orange juice

More food combinations that pair sweet and sugary foods with orange juice. Much like the situation with the cereal, it just shouldn’t work. 

Sure the Oreo cookie is a lot less sugar than the cereal is, but it’s also half chocolate half cream. Two things that just don’t work with the acidic orange juice. 

What I want to know is who decided it was okay to tweak the combo of milk and Oreos and replace the milk with orange juice? 

Ketchup in Coca-Cola

Why is putting any kind of sauce in any refreshment a good idea? 

The image below shows the opposite of what this food combination says, but it’s to preserve the eyesight of the reader. There are so many things wrong with this food combination. To start with, the same problem this list has been having with ketchup. It’s too sweet for many things that people try to combine it with. 

Besides, the only time anything should be added to any soda is artificial flavorings that the company does themselves. Like cherry or vanilla or the many flavors Mountain Dew does. 

Dry Cereal and liquid custard

Dry cereal and liquid custard is one of those food combinations that can be a hit or miss depending on the type of cereal you use. Some cereals can actually make this strange combination work, but others can make it taste like a gross mess. 

Much like the problems brought up in other food combinations with cereal, most cereals are too sugary for them to actually taste good. Either in your mouth or feel good in your stomach. 

Pie in a bowl of milk

There are some desserts that are soaked with milk on purpose because the flavors that are used actually work with the creamy and rich flavor of the milk. However, there are only a handful of pies that sound like they would work for this method at all. 

Some of the pies that might work in milk would be apple, pecan, or even pumpkin pie. You will want to make sure that you are okay with the pie crust dissolving into the milk at the bottom of the pie and the pieces eventually floating around. 

Have you tried any of these food combinations? What was your reaction to them? Let us know in the comments below!

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Tags: Food
Ashley Pelczynski

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