Now is a great time to learn more about those we hope to have a relationship with. If you’re a shy person and have a hard time talking to people, now is a fabulous time to attempt it through text or call. You don’t have to be in front of them, and if you’re texting, you can take your time answering them, so you don’t feel like you’ve been put on the spot.
Take the chance and send that first message. If you don’t know what to ask, that’s ok. I’ve scoured the web to find 20 of the flirtiest questions to ask your crush.
These 20 flirty questions can help if you’re worried about sounding boring and uninteresting. They can also help you learn about them in a covert way!
Learn their dream destinations! This is actually one of my favorite questions to ask when I’m learning about someone new. They will often give you the reason why they want to go there as well. It can be a great way to learn a little about the things they want to do and some of their dreams!
A great question to ask to learn what their favorite part of themselves is.
Learn about their last-minute thoughts! Do they stress about the things they didn’t get done that day? Or do they think about what needs to be done the next day? Or maybe…just maybe…they think about that special someone before they go to sleep!
Learn what they might enjoy. This is a great way for you to find out how they would want to be asked out. If they would prefer to be asked in a sweet, romantic subtle way, or if they can handle a straight to the point “would you like to go out” kind of approach.
Get a little racy and learn about their deepest sexual desires!
Maybe get some ideas for a date! This can lead you to what they like to do in their time off. In their free time. This can give you several different ideas for things to do when you do finally ask them for that date. It gives you three different options.
Learn about their dreams! Learn about the things that they want most in life!
Learn about their fears! This one can help you figure out their vulnerabilities. But, for the love of God, please don’t do it so that you have something to use against them. Learn about what they fear so that you can help them conquer it if they want, or to help them avoid it if that’s what they want.
Learn about who they are! A great way to see what they feel are kind acts.
A great way to find out what they’d want to do on a date if they got to plan every aspect of it.
Learn about their deepest desires!
I like this question because it allows you to learn about how they feel about women who make the first move. Do they find it intimidating, or do they find it sexy?
Learn something a little more on the sexy side.
Learn which one they prefer, so you know which move to make first when you finally get that first date…or the thirtieth one when you’ve gotten to the point of sitting in and cuddling! Another one of the most flirty questions.
Learn something about what made them who they are today. Another one of my favorite flirty questions. It may not seem all that flirty, but it’s a great way to hear a story about what truly made someone. How they learned an embarrassing lesson or something embarrassing that happened to them.
Learn about their childhood and the things that made them laugh. Learn about how they grew up with this flirty question.
Learn about their moves and the way they enjoy sex! Definitely one of the more dirty flirty questions!
Learn if the person you’re crushing on is seeing anyone at this time. A precursor to the next question if they’re not currently seeing anyone!
This one will help you learn if your crush is ready to date at the moment. Depending on what’s going on in their life, they may not be ready, but this will help you determine whether you should make that move and ask them out!
Creme de la creme of flirty questions. Straight forward and gets to the point. Find out if they’d like to actually go out tonight. If tonight doesn’t work, perhaps you can work out another night that might work for the two of you to go on a real date!
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