Fitness Tips For Those Who Have NO Idea What They’re Doing

If you’ve always wanted to exercise but have had no idea how to go about it, here are some fitness tips for even the most clueless of beginners.
Be prepared to be hungry.
Change your diet. If you eat fast food and junk food, it’s clearly not the way to go. Start eating a lot of protein, drink milk, and drink lots of water. Hydration is key in exercising. Just make sure you are eating healthier, so as not to cancel out the progress you’ll be making when exercising.
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Workout out for at least 30 minutes a day.
It can be cardio, or even lifting weights. So long as you are doing it every day for 30 minutes, it’ll help you get used to a routine and the feeling of exercising. Once you’ve become used to it, you can exercise for longer. You are just starting out so don’t get discouraged. Start slow.
Focus on your form.
Because you are just starting out, focus on the form of the exercise you’re doing. Focusing on your form can help prevent possible injures. Make sure you relax, too. Don’t be so tense when you exercise. If you’re not fully relaxed, you can get injured more easily.
Change it up.
Don’t just stick with one exercise every day. Do some squats, push ups, or even some sit ups, but make sure to change it up. Mixing up your exercise routine can help keep you from getting bored, and allows you to work different muscles in your body, while letting others rest on off days.
Learn how to breath.
That sounds strange, doesn’t it? But it’s true; your breathing is key. When you exercise, it’s all about pace and pattern. Once you figure out the pace of your exercise, you can then figure out the pattern of breathing correctly. Your body needs the steady flow of oxygen.
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Do not stretch before working out!
It may seem like a good idea, but it’s not. You should warm up instead. Warming up the body before a workout gets the blood and heart pumping. Stretch after you exercise. Stretching after exercising is also another way to prevent injury.
Hopefully these tips will give you an idea of what you should do as a beginner. It never hurts to ask either. If you’re at the gym and you have no idea what you’re doing on a machine or with a certain exercise, ask someone that does. The more you know, the better you’ll do!
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Sereen Hamawi is a senior at Wayne State University. She is a major in Anthropology and a minor in Criminal Justice. She enjoys running in the morning, exercising at night, and training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She also enjoys gardening. She has an obsession with fruit infused water. Her favorite books are the Harry Potter series and The All Souls Trilogy. In her spare time she likes to relax in front of the fireplace (winter) or in front of a bonfire (summer/spring) with a good book and a cup of tea.