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5 Things To Expect At Your First Tattoo Appointment

5 Things To Expect At Your First Tattoo Appointment

Take a look at the rundown of what to expect at your very first tattoo appointment. From having your valid ID ready to the preparation of sansitizing.

So you’ve decided to get your first tattoo! You picked it out, waited 6 months to see if you actually wanted it, and scheduled an appointment. Now, the tattoo appointment is right around the corner but you’re not sure what to expect. To help ease your nerves, here is a list of 5 things to expect at your first tattoo appointment!

1. Checking in

This is pretty obvious but it will be the first thing that will kick off your tattoo appointment. Make sure you bring a photo ID and a form of payment that that you know the tattoo parlor accepts. If you do not have your ID you will not be able to check in and you will have to reschedule your appointment.

2. Discussing the design

A lot of this will be done before the actual appointment so your artist will have as much time as they can that day. However, your appointment could be a walk in or you might just want to discuss your design one more time to ease your nerves. The is your time to tell your artist exactly what you want. Your artist will have a sketch ready for you to see if you have scheduled the appointment in advance or will draw one up for you on the spot if your appointment is a walk-in.


3. Set up

After you have checked in and finalized your deisgn with your artist, it is time to get set up for your tattoo. Your artist, or the artist’s apprentice, will clean and shave the area you have selected for your tattoo. Next the artist, or apprentice, will place the stencil on your body. This is your opportunity to get up and look at the stencil to get a better idea of what the tattoo will look like. If you are unhappy with the placement of the stencil don’t be afraid to say something. Your tattoo artist will not be offended if you want to change the placement. Your artist understands that this will be permanent and will replace the stencil until you are happy with the result.

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4. Tattoo time!

After you are happy with the placement of the stencil it is time to get your first tattoo! Your artist will ask you when you are ready and after you consent he/she will begin. After the first couple strokes your artist will ask if you are comfortable and then keep going. Sit back, relax, and let your artist work. Try to be as still as possible to help your artist do the best job they are capable of. Depending on the size of your tattoo, you may want to bring a book or some music to listen to.


5. All done

You did it! You got your first tattoo. Once your artist is all done you will be able to get up and go check out your sweet new tattoo. After you’ve admired your new piece of art, your tattoo artist will clean your new tattoo and wrap it up. Your artist will let you know how long to keep the bandages on. All that is left to do is head to the front and pay. Don’t forget to tip your tattoo artist as well! Make sure you follow all of the aftercare instruction your artist gives you and enjoy your new ink!

Which of these tips surprised you about a first tattoo appointment? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit