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10 First Festival Tips That Will Keep You Prepared

10 First Festival Tips That Will Keep You Prepared

Prepare yourself for the upcoming festival season by reading through the 10 First Festival Tips That Will Keep You Prepared.

Festival season is one of the greatest times of the year, and I wish that I knew some of these first festival tips before I had my initial experience. Hanging out with friends, seeing your favorite artists, and enjoying the freeing atmosphere, you never want the days to end.

1.  Be prepared to walk.. alot

One of many first festival tips is to be prepared for walking. You may expect your festival experience to be like Coachella, walking around on perfectly manicured polo grounds, but most likely this will not be the case. The festival will likely have lots of hills, and between hiking from stage to stage you will be walking miles each day and feeling sore when the night ends.

2. Be prepared to spend money

Like any concert or music experience everything will be overpriced. (I paid $8 for a slice of pizza at Firefly.) From food to merch, be prepared to spend extra money on every and anything.


3. If you try to sneak in alcohol, it may be taken

Nobody likes being overcharged for alcohol, so common first festival tips are to sneak it in usually in water bottles or in mouthwash bottle and tinted with food coloring. Security is well aware of this and may have you dump out any full bottles, so be prepared to possibly watch your vodka be poured into the dirt.

4. Your bag will be searched

Be smart with what you try to bring (or sneak) into a festival. Bags will 100% be searched and police are on hand in case you try to bring in anything illegal.

5. Baby wipes are your best friend

A super important first festival tip is to stock up on the baby wipes. If you are camping you will only be able to use an outdoor shower. But in between uses and during the day you will be thankful you can quickly and easily wipe off sweat and clean yourself up before the next show.


6. Dress comfortably

It is a given that you will be getting a workout in walking across the festival grounds. You may feel pressured to dress in a typical bohemian festival fashion, but dress in a way that is comfortable for you and your body type.

7. Be prepared to show up early

Headliners will draw in a huge crowd. If you want to be on the rails for artists like Eminem or Travis Scott, you will have to show up to the stage early. Even if that means sitting through other acts that you do not know.

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8. Be prepared

Charging your phone and not spilling your drinks are two huge festival issues. This first festival tip is to simply come prepared, pack you bag with a universal silicon top that you can stick onto any cup, and a portable charging dock because there is nothing worse than standing in a crowd of wires trying to get your phone to 30%.

9. If you’re camping, use a flag or a landmark

After a long day of walking and enjoying shows, the last thing you want to experience is not being able to find your tent or your campsite. If possible try to set up near a distinguishable landmark or set up a custom flag to help you find your way back to your sleeping bag.

10. Don’t do drugs

This first festival tip may seem obvious, but is super important. At festivals you are surrounded by tons of people you do not know, who may have drugs that you aren’t fully sure of. Even if you smoke or use other substances in your everyday life, its safest to avoid them during these weekends.

Hopefully these suggestions will help you as you make your way into the desert or the woodlands this season! Which first festival tips are you going to share with your friends? Comment below.
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