10 First Date Tips That Will Guarantee Success

Going on a first date can be scary, but great adventures can blossom from them! These 10 first date tips can help you to guarantee success for yourself. They will help you to know that you put your best foot forward on a first date!
1. Be Yourself
When you go on a first date with someone you want to show them who you are. You are incredibly unique and complex, and when you go on a date you are getting the chance to know someone who is just as incredibly unique and complex as you!
When you stay true to who you are, you will have no regrets because you’re being yourself. There will only ever be one of you and when you take that confidence (not cockiness) into your date, it will show that you are happy with who you are. That is a very attractive quality!
Don’t let someone miss out on getting to know the true you by being afraid to show your true colors! This is the most important of the first date tips because if you are being yourself, you will have definite success whether the date leads to another or not.
If it doesn’t, remember that you are still successful because you’re one step closer to finding the person who appreciates you for exactly who you are!
2. Be Present
The next on our list of first date tips is to be present. I’m sure you’ve heard this before in all aspects of life, but it’s especially important to remember to be present on a first date.
Don’t be worrying about how you look, or what the other person might think of you. Don’t worry about what you need to do later or about anything else, except the present moment. Live in that moment, and things will flow as they should!
When you live presently you will live purposefully, and that will guarantee this first date to be a success.
3. Listen To Understand
Being present helps with number three on our list of first date tips! First dates involve a lot of communication, so it’s important to remember to listen. But don’t just listen to respond, listen to understand the person you’re on the date with! This will help you to get to know them better.
They will notice that you are listening, and that is an amazing quality to have. Everyone want’s to be heard and understood. If you listen to understand the other person, your date will go much more smoothly than if you are listening to make the perfect response.
4. Breathe
Remember to breath. First dates can be a lot of fun and they are great moments that we get to experience in life. But remember that it’s just a date, and try to breathe and relax. Everyone get’s nervous for a date. It’s natural, so remember that the person your meeting is probably nervous too!
5. Ask Questions
Next on our list of first date tips is to ask questions. Show the other person that you are interested by asking questions about themselves, like “what is your funniest memory from high school?” or “if you could have any super power, what would it be?”
Asking questions like these will show the other person you care and you’ll get to know them better by listening to their answers. This tip will get you two laughing and sharing fun memories, helping your first date to be fun and easy!
6. Keep It Simple
Remember that this is a just first date, so keep it simple. Try not to get ahead of yourself, and again, live in the moment. Try and avoid heavy/touchy conversations or big plans for the future and just enjoy the time that you have together now. This tip will leave both of you wanting more!
7. Treat The Other Person How You Would Like To Be Treated
The next of our first date tips means that you should treat the other person with respect. We all want to be treated kindly and we all deserve respect.
Remember that you should treat the other person kindly too and listen when they are talking. Little things like making eye contact, saying thank you, and giving a kind smile will go a long way!
8. Go With The Flow
Remember to keep things easy and go with the flow. If something unexpected happens like a change of plans, it could lead to a fun adventure for the both of you!
So be open to twists and turns, but remember to never put yourself in a position that you are uncomfortable with. That also goes along with being true to yourself!
9. Let Yourself Be A Bit Of A Mystery
You want the person you go on a first date with to be left wanting more! A fun trick I like to do is to always keep something in mind that I am not going to talk about on the date. This could help you to seem a little more mysterious to the other person.
Whatever method you choose, just remember to only let the person learn about you chapter by chapter, not the whole book at one sitting. Let them earn getting to know you more and more, because you are an incredible person and your time and stories are valuable!
10. Have Fun
The last of the first date tips is to just have fun. Life is short, so enjoy the chance to get to know a person who is one of a kind, just like you! Maybe it will blossom into something great, or maybe you will just leave the date knowing that you put your best food forward.
Either way, if you follow these first date tips and remember to have fun you will be successful!