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First Date Jitters: How To Calm The Eff Down

First Date Jitters: How To Calm The Eff Down

First date jitters are common. Here are tips on how to get rid of first date jitters. Don't be nervous for your first date.. Get rid of first date nerves.

First date jitters are entirely normal. At some point in everyone’s life they get anxious about a date; it’s quite common. Both men and women worry whether the date will go well or if they’re attractive, smart or similar enough. Honestly, the reasons for getting first date jitters are extensive. Dating can be nerve-wrecking for anyone, especially if you’ve been out of the game for a while or have social anxiety. If you are approaching a first date and have the jitters, here’s how to calm yourself down.

Realize You Have Nothing To Lose

If you have the first date jitters, realize that it’s just that; a first date. There are zero expectations, or should be zero expectations for a first date. This is actually a pro if you think about it. You have countless things you could talk about. If you go in there with zero expectations, you’ll quickly realize you’ve got nothing to lose. It’s just meeting up with someone to have a conversation. If it doesn’t go well, who cares! Onto the next date.

Your Date Is Probably Nervous Too

Chances are your date is just as nervous as you are. Keep in mind, they’ve agreed to meet you so they are interested in you. That’s a plus! They probably have a million scenarios running through their head as well. Plus, feel a lot more pressure than you might realize; they worry about being gentlemanly, paying the bill, what to talk about, leading the conversation on top of a bunch of other things. Seriously, guys probably overthink the situation more than you have. If you are worried about running out of questions to ask, here are a few epic first date questions you can ask.

You Can’t Control Everything

If you have the first date jitters, realize that you can’t control everything. Nerves aren’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, tap into how it reveals you’re excited! There are so many factors that are out of your control. The sooner you realize that, the sooner those feelings of anxiety will go away. Leave it up to the universe. Remind yourself, what’s meant to be will be. There’s no point in forcing a connection if it isn’t there.

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These are the five reasons why you should always use Etsy to buy your guy's gift! Whether your looking for small gift or something big, Etsy has it all!


This seriously minimizes anxiety and is absolutely proven. Check out yoga breathing techniques that will help you get rid of first date nerves.

Mirror Check

If you’re still nervous after all these tips, do a double take in the mirror. You’ll worry less if you realize there’s nothing on your face, teeth or that your outfit is perfect. Have confidence in yourself and it will go well! Guarantee the odds are in your favor!

Let us know how you manage the first date jitters in the comments below!
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