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12 First Date Ideas Other Than Drinking

12 First Date Ideas Other Than Drinking

First date ideas are difficult because you want to make a good impression and because you’re nervous as shit. So, the best possible advice I can give is to do something unconventional.

Get out of your comfort zone and experiment. You only get one first date, so you might as make that shit count.  

1. Cooking Classes

If you really want to impress your date, take them to a cooking class. I’d take some in advance just to showcase your prowess, but hey, if you want to just go in blind then do that too.


 Everybody likes food, and chances are, your date just wanted to get drinks or get dinner, but this is a great combination of both that would be a fantastic time. 

Just don’t burn the whole place down making soufflé, please. 


2. Ghost Tour 

This one may perhaps be contingent upon the time of year, but nonetheless, it is one of the perfect first date ideas you can come up with. 

You may be afraid (no pun intended) that by associating a ghost tour with yourself, your date may become, horrified. Once again, no pun intended. But seriously man, if you’re lucky enough, maybe your date jump right into your arms. 


3. Attend A Poetry Night Or Open Mic

This comes with a warning as poetry nights and open mics can absolutely and positively cringe-worthy. Although, it’s suitable if you and your date love to people watch, read and write, or take pleasure in the misfortune of others. 

If you’re really feeling your date, now’s your chance to show them that instead of a long, cheesy, cliche text message, you have a true way with words. 

And even if you don’t, you can your date the chance to see that you’re not afraid to completely embarrass yourself in front of total strangers. 


4. Trampoline Park 

If your date is on the athletic side, I say a trampoline park would be a surprisingly good suggestion. A lot of people say they like to have fun so now’s your chance to see if your date backs up the talk.

This date idea will get your blood pumping and heart throbbing. It also gives you a chance to gauge your date’s endurance levels to see if they can do other things. Insert winky face emoji. 


5. Escape Room 

Of the many first-date ideas on the list, this is one of the most out of pocket ones I could come up with. Escape rooms are popping up in almost every city, so finding one shouldn’t be too difficult. 

This will test your date’s mental dexterity and you can determine if they are truly as smart or witty as they claim to be. 


It’s a refreshing change of pace from the endless martinis and expensive ass dinners you’ve both been going on. 

6. Go to A Strange Museum

There’s several in Pittsburgh like Randyland and the Mattress Factory. Find the strangest one you can and take your date. Like I said, it’s a change of pace from alcoholic beverages. 


Museums are a great space to act like you know what you’re talking about. It offers an opportunity to have an intimate and intellectually stimulating conversation without the influence of alcohol.

7. Hit The Arcade

Here’s the chance to show your competitive side. Maybe make some sexually explicit bets if you two are really hitting it off.

Make sure it’s a legit arcade though. The worst thing to do is go to one of those sad-looking ones in the middle of a lame-ass mall or the movie theater.   


Dave and Buster’s is a good choice, and they have the opportunity to get drinks as well. It’s almost impossible to have a bad time there. 

8. Thrifting 

One of the best first date ideas if you lack a sense of style. Women love to shop, no matter what kind of girl it is. And shopping at a bargain on a date? Shit, you blew her mind. 


The amount of money you would spend on a fancy dinner could be the amount of money you spend on an outfit for when you do take her to dinner. 

Let her pick the outfit and maybe she’ll let you get to pick a few items too. Just don’t make any creepy suggestions. 

See Also
Dating is hard enough before adding in the factor of where exactly to go on your dates. Add to that the very limited options of a small town and it can almost seem like a lost cause. You have to get creative at some point, so here are some small town date ideas for when you're at a loss of ideas.


9. Pottery Painting

There are many places you can go to that offer pottery painting. This is great for the date that’s more introverted and laid back. Also good for one of those, “I like art type girls” and that’s word to Kanye. 

It may seem boring, but it can be relaxing and enjoyable. It’s a great activity to show each other your creative side and get more face to face interaction. 


Plus it’ll give you both a cute memento to remember the first time you two went out on a date. Not to mention you can talk shit if your pot ends up looking better than hers. 

10. Take A Dance Class

First date ideas are supposed to be creative and challenging. Let’s say you’re a terrible dancer and you tell her that. If she doesn’t believe you, now is the time to show her. 


Whether it’s a swing class, the tango, or a waltz, I’m sure she will be highly impressed with your originality. 

Hell, even salsa dancing will spice up her life. You want to leave a lasting impression and very few first date ideas will do that like this one. 


11. Yoga

Another one of the first date ideas that may seem a little out of pocket, but why not? Chances are, she thinks you just like to go to the gym and pump heavyweights, however, if you make this suggestion, she might just swoon. 

12. Dessert Tour

One of the most original first date ideas imaginable. Although I wouldn’t recommend if she’s lactose intolerant. 


Simply do your research and find the best dessert spots in your area and order one thing at each. Everyone has a sweet tooth, so show her yours. 

The first date should always be memorable. Let us know if any of these ideas blow your minds away by commenting down below!