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How To Find Your Dream Apartment Using PadMapper

How To Find Your Dream Apartment Using PadMapper

There aren’t many things that are worse than apartment hunting, especially when you are limited on time to find one. With so many different apps and website to look for apartments, it is always stressful figuring out which ones are actually useful. Whether you just graduated from college and are looking for a new apartment near a job or you are just starting college and want to live somewhere off campus, PadMapper is the perfect solution. PadMapper’s goal is “Making Apartment Hunting Suck Less” by creating a search that is easy to navigate and understand. This is how to use PadMapper to find your dream apartment!!

1. Have a list ready with everything you want in a dream apartment

Before you start the searching, make a realistic list of things you are looking for in your dream apartment. Factor in your budget, roommates, and style of apartment you are looking for. This will make your search so much easier.

2. Enter your desired location and customize

Right when you get to the PadMapper website, you enter your desired location and a huge list of apartments pops up. Customize the search from the list you had made and you will be given a bunch of matches. Take advantage of the map feature because it helps you see what is around each specific apartment location, which is always important!


3. Use the live chat to get any details about apartments you are interested in

A PadMapper representative is always available to answer any questions you may have and point you in the right direction. If for some reason they aren’t there, you can leave a message for when they get back.

4. Save your apartment requirements and sing up for emails to get new listings

There is a save option for your customized search which saves you the trouble of having to enter it in over and over. When you save your search, you have the option of singing up to get emails with new listings that match your needs.

5. Make a favorites list and keep your options open

It is important that you keep your options open and check out as many apartments as possible before making a huge decision. Create a favorites list of the apartments you like and visit them all. You may be surprised by your final decision!

See Also

The more prepared you are before going into your search, the better your PadMapper experience will be! Happy hunting and good luck finding your dream apartment!!!

Have you used PadMapper to find an apartment!? Share your experience in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit
