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Finals Study Spots That Will Help You Stay Focused

Finals Study Spots That Will Help You Stay Focused

With finals quickly approaching, you’re probably looking for places to study, right? Well, read on to learn the best final study spots that will help you stay focused this semester. So grab your books, a cup of coffee, and let’s get started!

1. Library

This might be a no-brainer, but one of the best places to study is your campus library or even the public library. The pandemic might make this option a little difficult, but libraries everywhere are starting to open up again, so use it if you can! At my college library, there were designated “quiet floors,” meaning no talking. So, make sure to set up camp in one of the quiet zones, and then hit the books! 


2. Local Park

Your neighborhood park is the perfect place to get some sunshine and study! I recommend going either in the morning or early afternoon to avoid the crowds, but bring along your headphones just in case. Also, try and grab some lunch and take it with you; you can have a mini picnic while you read! Layout that blanket and get to work! 

3. Parent’s House

This is a great option for studying if it is available to you (if your hometown is in another state, then please skip this tip and scroll down)!


If your dorm room is crowded, and the library is closed, head on home to the peace and quiet of your childhood bedroom. I’m sure your Mom and Dad will be happy to see you too, not to mention the full fridge of snacks! 

4. Beach

With your toes in the sand and the sun on your skin, who could ask for a better study spot? All you need is your bookbag, a towel, and your sunglasses! And, the best part is you get to work on your tan while you prepare for finals. So get the bikini bod ready for summer and head out to the beach! Also, the beach is a great place for study groups, especially when considering social distancing. It’s breezy and you can safely stay 6 feet apart! 


5. Empty Classroom 

This study spot might not have even crossed your mind, but it’s truly one of the best! Venture out to your campus classrooms and find one that is open and not being used. One of the best ways to do this is to stay after one of your classes ends (until everyone including the teacher leaves) and wait and see if another class comes in. Sometimes another class will enter, and sometimes they won’t! You’ll have the entire classroom to yourself and a nice big desk to work on! And, feel free to utilize the whiteboard as a studying tool! 


6. Coffee Shop

Hey, you’re going to need coffee anyway, so why not use it as a study spot? If you have a favorite local coffee shop in mind, go there, but when it doubt there’s always trusty Starbucks! And, most coffee shops have adapted to the pandemic and created outdoor seating areas, so there’s no problem with studying safely. You can order that much-needed cup of joe, boot up your laptop, and get cracking! 

7. Campus Lawn

Most likely, your college campus will have a big grass area where you can sprawl out and study! This is an ideal meeting spot for study groups; not only is it outdoors and safe for social distancing, but it’s on campus so it’s close to everyone’s dorm. Consider bringing a blanket or towel to sit on, and some snacks! 


8. Favorite Sit-Down Restuarant

A sit-down restaurant is actually a great place to study. You can order a soda and get to work in an air-conditioned room! Try and go in the mid-morning or early afternoon, and avoid the dinner crowd. Just make sure to bring headphones, in case the sounds of forks scraping plates gets a little noisy! Also, most restaurants have created outdoor seating areas that you can use as well.

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9. Bookstore

There are not that many bookstores around these days, but if you find one, use it! Bookstores always have quiet reading sections, making them a prime place for studying. And, most bookstores are near coffee shops, so go grab a latte and head over to your local bookstore! 


10. Friend’s Place

Take a trip to your friend’s apartment and hit the books together! This study spot makes the most sense if you’re in a study group. Also, you might be able to focus better with your buddy around because it’ll minimize personal distractions, like checking your phone for social media. Just make sure to go to your friend’s place with the intention to study, not visit! 

11. You Own Backyard

If you do have a backyard, consider using it as a place to study. Pull up a chair, a small coffee table, and get to work! The great thing about studying in your backyard is you don’t have to travel at all, and you still get a change in scenery to put you in the studying mood! Feel free to use your backyard for study groups too! 


12. Dorm Room 

Yes, this is an obvious one, but still, it deserves to make this list! Your dorm room is probably where you do most of your homework anyway, so you already have a nice little setup to start studying!

Here are some quick tips to maximize your studying time in your dorm room: First off, find out your roommate’s schedule so you can complete your studying time when they are gone (so you have the dorm room all to yourself). Next, avoid studying late at night when your roommates are most likely playing video games or sweet-talking to their SO (you’ll be more distracted and want to have fun, too). Lastly, create a color-coded studying schedule to hang above your desk, so you see it every morning (this will force you to think about studying more often).  


Are you going to study in any of these final study spots? Were there any spots we missed that you study in? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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