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12 Festive Holiday Decorations That Are A MUST Have

12 Festive Holiday Decorations That Are A MUST Have

There are so many festive holiday decorations that you just don’t know what to get. This list of festive holiday decorations can help you decide what you need in or around your house. As per holiday tradition, this is a list of twelve to go along with the twelve days of Christmas. 

1. Lights

Lights are a main decoration during the holiday season, but there are so many lights to choose from. There are the traditional multi-colored lights to place around the lights. However, you can choose between twinkling lights to give your place an almost magical feel. There are also icicle lights to fit in with the season. 

Place these lights wherever you want them, inside or outside, lights will brighten up your house! These festive holiday decorations are just what you need to start getting the place look festive! Of course, make sure to save your lights for this next decoration.


2. Christmas Tree

No holiday season is complete without a Christmas tree! Place ornaments, tinsel, and lights all around the tree. Don’t forget the star at the top! Of course, you can always place the angel on top too if you prefer. You can choose between getting a real tree or a fake tree.

Some people place their trees near an open window to display it for other people to see as they pass by. Others may tend to keep their trees hidden and only their loved ones to see the finished tree. Plus, decorating the tree will bring the family together during the season.


3. Wreath

Of course, your door is going to need a festive holiday decoration! There are many different styles and sizes of wreaths to place on your front door. This decoration is very common during the holiday season and you’ll see most of your neighbors hanging some holiday wreath. You can buy wreaths at any convenient store and you can see them as early as October!


4. Cutlery

Want your dishes to be festive? Then you need to get all the cutlery as festive holiday decorations! While it may seem unconventional, cutlery can be used as decorations. It’ll be appropriate for the occasion and you can even place festive treats on top to match. Your guests will love this festive cutlery and you can always reuse them every year so you won’t have to buy new ones!

5. Stocking

What holiday season isn’t complete without stockings? Of course, the stockings always need to go above the fireplace so Santa can fill them up with delightful treats and gifts! Some places will embellish the stockings to have your name on them. As for the stocking holders, you can find them in many different stores to personalize your holder. Buy a holder that is personal to you or even to express yourself. 


6. Projector

Maybe you’re not feeling like putting up any lights on your roof. Well, they’ve got something for you! There are LED Projectors that projector lights that can move across your house. You just place the projector a few paces away from the house and place it in the ground. Turn it on and watch the lights dance across your house!

There are many different variations of this projector. You can choose to just have a few images move across your house. Or, if you don’t want the lights to move, you can have it stationary to just have lights cover the front. Position it on the side of your house if you don’t want to have it in the front. There are so many ways to use this festive holiday decoration!

7. Garland

Wrap garland all over your house! Wrap it around any posts in your house and your deck. Have it wrap around your staircase to cover the boring railing. There is some garland that comes with lights installed in it that you can have it light up at night! 

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8. Outdoor Decorations

There are so many festive holiday decorations you can have outside to decorate your house and yard. Snowman, deer, Santa, presents, trains, and various other decorations can be placed outside! Some of them are movable so once they turn on, certain parts move in different directions! Of course, all of these decorations light up and with so many to choose from, you could have a winter wonderland in your front yard!


9. Christmas Village

In some houses, people put up a mini Christmas village with various parts in it. Little houses, cars, people, and other little accessories to decorate this village. Place the villagers in areas around the village to make it seem they are going about their day. If you want to, you can move in a different spot every day to make it seem like they have moved. At night, the lights will come just like in a town.

10. Cling Stickers

These stickers are great for decorating your windows and mirrors. Place these stickers anywhere on clean glass and it will stay there until you take it down. There is no mess involved and the only thing you’ll have to clean is the outline of the sticker and that comes off easily with Windex. The best part of these stickers is that they are reusable! Just place the stickers back on the package and use them again next holiday season!

11. Nativity Scene

Christmas is a Christian holiday, and no house would be complete without a nativity scene. There are nativity scenes you can place outdoors or keep indoors. Celebrate the birth of Jesus by placing a beautiful nativity scene within your home. There are also many different knock-offs of the nativity scene. There is a collection of rubber ducks that look like the people in the nativity scene. You can choose which nativity scene you would want to have in your home.


12. Knick-knacks

There are so many different festive holiday decorations that it’ll be hard to name more. These decorations include holiday greetings on signs, decorative pillows, snowglobes, candle holders, and so many more! All of these decorations can be found at any convenient store and even in home decor stores. See what decorations are for you and incorporate them into your home!

What festive holiday decorations will you have in your home? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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