Feng Shui: How To Take Advantage of The Energy in Your Space

Have you ever felt like there was something off about the energy in your home? Do you feel like you need to completely change the vibe? Feng Shui can help you take advantage of your space’s energy and more. Feng Shui is an ancient technique for the internal organization of a home that will not only create an aesthetic living space but also create harmony in your Life, as well as prosperity and maybe some luck along the way. Many celebrities use Feng Shui as a self-improving technique and to project prosperity into their lives; for example, Oprah Winfrey, Sting, Cher, Julia Roberts, Tommy Hilfiger, Steven Spielberg, Deepak Chopra, Victoria, and David Beckham, George Clooney, Meghan Markle, Gwyneth Paltrow, many others…There are fundamental principles that you need to follow to connect with this fantastic lifestyle, 5 different ways you can take advantage of the energy using feng shui:
1. Plants to Add Life to the Space
Feng Shui is very focused on incorporating natural elements into your everyday life. The reason for that is that this practice thrives off the categorization of the natural world, which is divided into five elements: wood, fire, metal, and water. Plants represent the element of wood, probably because that is what we obtain from them, but in this case, we perceive it as an element rather than a material object. Wood, as an element, primarily provides familiar harmony, resilience, and flexibility, among many more benefits. Plants add life to any space, and Life in Feng Shui is known as Qi, pronounced as “chee.” Home plants can connect and make the Qi flow across any room. Releasing negative energy, allowing good vibes to come in. So turn your house into a jungle if you can, and you know how to properly take care of plants…
2. Clear Entryways, Allow Natural Light to Come In
Clear entryways and windows and bright will not just make your home vibrate in sun waves, but they will also improve your mood and energy throughout the day. Big windows (and a disco ball) will also create the same effect; you’ll be soaked in Vitamin D. It is likely that you have experienced that Energy Boost in your lifetime if you’ve ever been in a dark room with small windows, most likely you experienced some kind of apathy if you were there for long enough, now imagine the polar opposite of that. Clear entryways also mean no cluster, and any mess occupying any space, especially an entry or exit, can severely affect the vibes of a room. Clusters and messes are big no-nos in this practice because they don’t allow good energy to flow back and forth. Just take a look at the image down below and think to yourself what feelings it evokes:
3. Commanding Position
There are many ways in which you can adapt this technique without feeling like you need a Ph.D. in Interior Design. A trendy commanding method many beginners use is to: Always have the bed at a diagonal angle from the door and to NEVER have any mirrors facing the bed. The reason for the position of the bed is because the distance between a door and such creates a sense of safety and more protection from harm’s way. And the bizarre fear of mirrors comes from an older school of Feng Shui. The belief is that those objects suction energy, especially in your sleep. Therefore, the correct position of the mirror would be facing the door, which can provide comfort to those who are always on high alert. This technique is used when relocating furniture to match the room’s energy and valuable cardinal points (North, East, West, South). Everyone has a particular element that appeals to a cardinal point; find out yours, Kua Number Calculator. Remember that data can be used when you move into a new apartment and you need to pick a room or simply when rearranging furniture.
4. Choose a Balanced Design
Balance is essential in life and decoration. Balance unifies the space and creates a sense of symmetry that is pleasing to the human eye and will provide many energetical benefits, such as prosperity, mental clarity, and creativity. Ying-and-Yang also exists in the world of interior rearrangement. Balance can be found in the furniture’s color palette, decoration, and arrangement. The goal is not to fill the room with furniture; quite the opposite. In fact, it is recommended that you build more vertical space and try getting taller closets. The result of this technique is more walkable space and serenity. Keeping the area tidy and squeaky clean also needs to be achieved.
5. Remove Technology from Your Room
This might come off as a shocker, but Feng Shui has quite a few rules about “where electronics should be,” even though many experts also argue if there should be any. The main reason is that electronic devices transmit radio frequency, which can cause brain damage over time. Feng Shui’s primary goal in this instance is to create a space that is as natural as possible so the Qi can flow. A significant way of doing that would be placing all electronic devices outside the bedroom before the bed, which could be a massive ask for many. Well, all good habits start somewhere, and to fully form it, you would need to commit to it for two weeks. Are you ready to significantly improve your health? Your phone can’t possibly be your only distraction before going to sleep. Pick up a book!