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A Local’s Favorite Food Spots In NYC That You Need To Try

A Local’s Favorite Food Spots In NYC That You Need To Try

Take a look at these favorite food spots in NYC that us locals love to go to frequently! These are some of the great fast food places!

In my part of town we like to eat at whatever is convenient and tastes good. In the whole of New York City you’ll find both fancy and fast places to go to that are local. If you’re a Manhattan local maybe you’ve got a particular bistro you head to, or a deli. If you’re from Brooklyn maybe it’s Chinese or Jamaican Cuisine. Believe it or not, those are actually a type of fast food. Chinese can be ordered and picked up or delivered in under an hour here in New York. And Jamaican restaurants are constantly preparing food daily so you can pick up an order from a local spot in about an hour. If you’re on Long Island you might fancy Applebee’s, a Sizzler, or a Steakhouse, and make it a big thing with the whole family. It’s still a local thing though. Here in Queens we’re a bit old school and don’t necessarily go to fancy places when we want a quick local meal. The nearest Burger King or Chinese restaurant is decent enough for us. But because there are also a lot of shopping areas in Queens our local spots can include places like Red Lobster and Joe’s Crab Shack, too. Want to know more about what we NYC locals like to eat? Here are my favorite food spots in NYC.

Applebee’s are located all over the New York City Tri-State area. They’re in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island. Every where. If I had to describe them, I’d say they were an upscale fast food family restaurant. Because you can order food to take out, you can sit in and dine, and the food is usually ready quickly. They have a nice mix of healthy and hearty dishes and if you go during the right time it isn’t so crowded. If you live close by to a mall or shopping area then this might be one of the places you head to for dinner as an NYC local.

Burger King

This type of Fast Food has not gone out of style. I’d choose Burger King over any other chain any day. A definite favorite spot for NYC locals. Burger Kings are conveniently located, quick for ordering, and are usually in walking distance to most people’s homes in New York. It’s actually one of my personal favorite fast foody spots to go to. 😁 My order is usually a Whopper, with cheese, and fries. 🍔🍟 I don’t really drink soda though, so I take my meals to go and do my V8 juice thing at home. I know. Contradicting. Lol. These are my favorite food spots in NYC!


Gas Station Food

Another popular place to get food in NYC, in every borough except Manhattan, is a gas station. The borough of Manhattan barely has gas stations. Something ado with real estate, but you can find plenty of 7 Elevens in the Mid to Down Town areas. Everywhere else in New York, you’ll find these BP Go spots. These are the places NYC locals may stop at on their way home from work or wherever to grab something quick to eat. Believe it or not they have some decent fast foods. Sandwiches, burritos, slushies. Definitely a local’s favorite food spot. Also especially if you’re a snacker, because they sell tons of bagged goodies.

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Diners are a big hit in New York too. There are so many and while they’re usually located on Main Boulevards, they’re easy to get to from apartment buildings or houses in shopping districts. Also, most locals in New York City drive. So if it’s quite a distance away, say under 3 miles, we’ll drive there to either pickup a nice dinner to take home, or to sit in and eat. Diners offer that nice homey feel mixed with a fast food feel, so they’re comfortable to eat at when you want to get out, but are looking for a quick local spot. These are my favorite food spots in NYC!


Pizza Hut

Lastly, a pretty popular spot to dine at is Pizza Hut. Their locations are few and rare though, compared to most food chains. So you have to be serious locals to eat at one. They’ve got spectacularly unique pizza trends compared to most spots. Like deep dish and stuffed crust. They’re also a family spot which is another reason why locals enjoy them. Again though, depending on your location you might just go to whatever pizza place is in your neighborhood. Traveling more than 5 miles to go to a Pizza Hut is usually a special outing or occasion. Not a local fix. These are my favorite food spots in NYC!

Any of these places sound familiar to you? Leave me some comments about favorite food spots in NYC!

Featured Image: weheartit