Family Life

Some of us bleed green, white, and red! Read on to find out 20 signs you grew up in a Mexican household.
20 Signs You Grew Up In A Mexican Household

We all know about that Saturday morning when you wake up to music blasting in…

Throughout life, you will get that friend whose mom is really the absolute best. She makes you feel like a part of the family and you have to thank her!
10 Things I Want To Thank My Best Friend’s Mom For

Throughout life you have friends that come and go but if you are lucky enough…

Being Egyptian comes with a close knit family and the best traditions. From strict parents to the superstitions, these are signs you're Egyptian!
20 Signs You’re Actually Egyptian

Being Egyptian comes with a close knit family and some of the best traditions. From…

Growing up in Madison, Wisconsin - home of cheese heads, cheese curds, and copious amounts of alcohol - is unlike growing up anywhere else in the country.
20 Signs You Grew Up In Madison, Wisconsin

Growing up in Madison, Wisconsin is unlike growing up anywhere else in the country. We…

From owning several monogrammed things to having redneck uncles, here are 20 signs you are from a white middle class family.
20 Signs You Are From A White Middle Class Family

From owning several monogrammed things to having redneck uncles, here are 20 signs you are…

10 Signs Your Mom Is Your Best Friend

Mom, the person who has been there for you since day one (literally). She is…

Summer vacation is in full swing and that means I've been enjoying the sweet, sweet freedom from school, right? Not Exactly.
What My Family Thinks I Do On Summer Vacation vs. What I Actually Do

Summer vacation is in full swing and that means I’ve been enjoying the sweet, sweet…

Having lots of siblings, cousin, aunts and uncles can only mean one thing. You've got a big family. These are signs you're from a big family!
10 Signs You’re From A Big Family

Being from a big family definitely has its ups and downs. But if you grew…

Virginia Beach is home to sweet tea, sandy floorboards, and surfing championships; and us natives can't get enough. These are the signs you're from VB!
20 Signs You’re From Virginia Beach

Those of you who were born, raised, or even just lived by King Neptune periodically, can…

15 Things Only Younger Sisters Understand

Growing up as the youngest sibling has both it’s perks and downsides. If you’re anything…