Family Life

I Went On A Date With My Sister’s Crush

I Went On A Date With My Sister’s Crush

In the laws of girl code, dating your sister's crush is a huge, written in big fat red letters NO.…

6 years ago

10 DIY Father’s Day Cards You Can Make For Dad This Year

Father’s Day is coming up and below I have discovered DIY Father's Day Cards you can make for dad this year…

6 years ago

A Letter To My Future Daughter About Love

To your future daughters that have yet to be born, it is nerve wrecking to think of what you would…

6 years ago

10 Underrated Dog Breeds You Need To Know About

There are two types of people in this world: dog people and cat people. While arguments can be made for…

6 years ago

10 Earth Day Activities To Do With Your Family

Since it first began in 1970, the world has come together to celebrate Earth Day on April 22. Our beautiful…

6 years ago

The Pros and Cons of Being Twins

I always like to say I made a grand entrance into the world.  I have an identical twin sister. But…

6 years ago

An Open Letter To My Mom As I Approach Adulthood

To My Dear Mom, As the end of my college years rapidly approaches, I realize more every day how prepared…

6 years ago

10 Signs You’re The Comedian In Your Family

Do your family laugh when you say something that wasn't meant to be funny? Do you have to ask yourself…

6 years ago

An Open Letter To My Adoptive Parents And My Birth Parents

This is an open letter to my parents. To the ones I've never met who share my DNA, and to…

6 years ago

An Open Letter To My Step Father In Prison

Dear step father, it's hard to express how I feel about you being in prison, and leaving us behind. I…

6 years ago