10 Fall Wreaths You Can Hang On Your Door

The air is cooling down, the winds are getting stronger. The leaves on your front tree are starting to change color and gently cascade onto your lawn. That must mean fall is finally here! That means good-bye to your summer decor and hello to your gourds! What better way to start getting inspired for your fall decor than to check out these ten fall wreaths:
1. Traditional Fall Wreath
This one is for you traditionalists out there! It’s simple, yet elegant. Colorful, but not fussy. This wreath screams “Fall is here and I am ready to welcome it into my home!”. If you were watching a Hallmark Thanksgiving movie during their Thanksgiving movie marathon, this would be the wreath on the main character’s front door that we see just as she opens it to be surprised with the future love of her life. This is a powerful wreath.
2. Subtle Fall Wreath
Maybe you’re into the more subtle approach. That’s understandable. Fall has some pretty bold colors that can be hard to ignore. Everyone’s taste is different and that’s why I’m here, to present you with as many options as possible to satisfy every wreath need. This wreath features some nice rounded twigs with light green foliage and some neutral, white pumpkins that gives us that quiet nod to fall.
3. Floral Fall Wreath
If you do however find yourself wishing for those robust reds, creamy whites, and burnt oranges than just take a look at this wreath here. Instead of leaves like one might expect out of a fall wreath, this one incorporates flowers and berries to get that nice autumnal feel. The flowers are small enough that they aren’t ostentatious but big enough that you can appreciate the beauty of their petals. The scattering of leaves still gives a nod to the trees and the bow gives it a touch of whimsy.
4. Fall Bow Wreath
If whimsy is what you’re after though, then why not make the bow out of ribbons entirely!! Any craft store worth their salt will have a plethora of appropriately themed bows for you to choose from. pick three or four of your favorites and then just start tying! The beauty of this bow is that you can really customize to your taste, so your only limit is what the craft store has in stock. But then, that’s why we have the internet now, so you could probably find what you’re looking for here if the store fails you. Or if you’re like me you can just scour Etsy for someone who either has it made or will make it for you if you’re too overwhelmed.
5. Burlap Pumpkin Fall Wreath
Staying on the whimsy train, if you want a more rustic feel than ribbons can provide, then get yourself some colored burlap! Again, the internet is probably your friend here because who knows if the craft store even sells plain burlap that you’d be able to paint. Or maybe they do and I’m not giving them enough credit. Either way, this pumpkin burlap wreath is ADORABLE and currently my favorite on the list, but it’s only number five so anything can still happen.
6. Pumpkin Wreath
What, another pumpkin wreath? YES ANOTHER PUMPKIN WREATH. PUMPKINS = FALL, THEMS THE RULES. What differentiates this pumpkin wreath from the previous pumpkin wreath, is that this pumpkin wreath looks like the brain child of Martha Stewart, Pinterest, and Etsy. So you KNOW it’s a FANCY pumpkin wreath. Maybe this is the true power wreath. Look at the way the branches curve to make the pumpkin, the size of the bow perfectly balanced by the accompanying berries and foliage. True art. The Power Pumpkin Wreath. As a side note, I think I get an award now because this has to be the most anyone has ever used the phrase “pumpkin wreath”.
7. Owl Wreath
OK, DROP EVERYTHING. THIS IS MY FAVORITE FALL WREATH, SORRY NUMBER FIVE. It’s so cute, so adorable. The smallest owl nestled amid the leaves with a flower pine cone and feather. I am in awe, I have no words. So pure, so good. All my love for this owl.
8. Halloween Witch Wreath
My heart needs to calm down from the Owl wreath so lets pivot into some Halloween Wreaths. While the previous options would work for the fall season in general as well as Thanksgiving, Halloween really needs to have its own specific wreaths. Halloween has an image and a reputation to maintain after all. To that end here’s a nice, witch wreath to give your house some chilly vibes. The black and orange ribbons, traditional Halloween colors, the playful broom, make this an inviting wreath to hang out front for trick-or-treaters.
9. Skull Wreath
If you’re wanting to come across more Wicked Witch of the West than Good Witch of the North but keep it classy, than this is the wreath for you! The Skull and Bone Hands give off a more unsettling vibe than the glittering spiders of the previous wreath, but the addition of feathers and roses elevate it to an unsettling chic. Scary but make it fashion. There’s something about it that also feels a bit pirate-y to me, but that might just be one too many rides on The Pirates of the Caribbean talking.
10. Fashion Bat Wreath
Speaking of fashion, check out this bat wreath!!! This is one of the most impressive Halloween OR fall wreaths I’ve ever seen. This one is definitely thinking outside of the box and I commend whoever thought of it because it is STUNNING. I still love that owl wreath, but I’d be lying if I said this bat wreath wasn’t trying hard to unseat it as my favorite. If anyone watches Safiya Nygaard on YouTube, she needs to know about this, it’s her entire aesthetic.
What kind of fall wreath will you be hanging on your door? Let me know in the comments below!
Featured Image via Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/504684701997274650/
I'm a writer based in California. I received my Bachelor's and Master's in Literature from San Francisco State University. I dream of one day writing books of my own and maybe even being part of a writer's room for a show! I love to talk about pop culture, books, and travel to anyone willing to listen. Some of my favorite topics in those categories are "Avatar the Last Airbender", "Gilmore Girls", the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Mexico, and Paris. My favorite thing in the world though is my dog, he's just the cutest!