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10 Fall Makeup Looks That Will Inspire You

10 Fall Makeup Looks That Will Inspire You

Fall is the arguably the best season. leaves change from green to auburn, gold, and bronze colors. The air becomes crisp and clean and you feel like you can never take enough deep breaths to take it all in. It’s a time for new beginnings. School is back in session and it’s a new chance to be your best self. New school supplies, new clothes, and a new style. Need new makeup looks to go with your new wardrobe? We’ve got you covered. Here are 10 Fall makeup looks that will inspire you.

1. Inner Eye Liner

Eyeliner is very popular but not a lot of people line their waterlines (inside the eyes). This look is easy and adds a hint of smoulder to every look. When you line your waterline, it makes your pupils look bigger and your lids look closer together. This Fall makeup looks like your eyes are smiling.


2. Orange Eyeshadow

This is one of those Fall makeup looks that anyone can do. It’s as simple as sweeping one color across your eyelid. It’s a very simple and effortless look and looks even better when it’s a Fall color. Orange is a color that looks amazing on brown skin. This makeup look should take no longer than five minutes which is perfect for those of us who don’t have a lot of time to get ready in the morning.

3. No Make-up Make-up

No Fall makeup looks list is complete without a natural makeup look. The no makeup makeup look is a classic because it goes with every outfit, every hairstyle, at every point in your life. This Fall makeup looks like you’re barely wearing anything. This makeup is really about correcting little imperfections without exaggerating any features. A really good foundation is key here.


4. Army Green Eyeshadow

Dark green is one of the best colors for fall! In makeup, dark green looks god on every skin tone and eye color. Dark green shadow should be kept on the eyelid and tightly under the line for a day time look. The more smoked out this color gets, the more it looks like a night look. Everything else should be kept natural in order to make your eyes the stand-out piece to this Fall makeup look.


5. Extreme Cat Eye

And here comes the drama! Cat eyes are the perfect Fall look because it’s witchy season! Fall means that Halloween is right around the corner so it’s time to unleash our inner black kitty cats. This Fall makeup looks like we’re giving off intense vibes but don’t be afraid! Makeup is supposed to be fun! This Fall, play with the inner corners of your eyes by extending your cat eye in the crease. This ain’t your normal cat-eye honey. 

6. Golden Smokey Eye

Golden eye shadow is going to be a staple this Fall. It’s easy makeup that always looks like you spent way more time on it than you did. For this look, pat some golden eyeshadow onto your lid. Gold is a color that makes everyone look expensive. And with the early 2000s trending on social media and in the makeup and fashion industry, the glittery golden eye is going to be making a huge comeback.


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7. Ombre Lips

The ombre lip takes a little while to master but once you get the hang of it, trust us, you’re going to love it. This lip requires three things in order to complete the look. You’ll need a lip liner, a lipstick that’s close to the color of the liner, and a lighter lipstick that will highlight your lips. Line your lips, place the dark lipstick on the outer rim of your lips and add the lighter lipstick to the middle of your lips. Now, blend that lipstick before it dries!


8. Dark Berry Lip

A dark berry lip is a popular Fall makeup look. But who can blame them? A dark berry lip is the perfect way to vamp up any makeup look. Matte or a satin finish looks best. A good way to make sure that your lips are the focus of your makeup look is to keep it simple on the eyes. Use muted shadows or don’t use any shadow at all. 

9. All the colors of Fall

This Fall makeup look is for all the people who really go hard for Fall. Why just put one color of Fall on your face when you could put all of them? This look needs brown, red, orange, and gold. For the eyes, take the orange and put it on the centre of your lid. Smoke it out in the outer corners with a brown shadow. Use the gold to highlight the inner corners or your eye. Finally, swipe red lipstick on your lips and the look is complete! This look is perfect for Fall date nights and parties or when you’re just generally feeling jazzed about the season. 


10.  Purple

One word: purple. It is the best color of all the colors and that’s why we’ve saved the best for last. Purple is an amazing color for Fall. A metallic purple lid is definitely going to stand out this Fall. Of course, orange, red, and yellow are going to be classics for Fall but they’re not exactly a surprise. A look that won’t be as overdone this season is purple. Find a purple eyeshadow and matching lip in order to make the look glamorous. 

What are your favorite fall makeup looks? Tell us in the comments!

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