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Top 5 Fall Hairstyles To Try Out This Year

Top 5 Fall Hairstyles To Try Out This Year

Fall is right around the corner and you don’t want to be looking as good as pumpkin spice lattes taste. Not only do your clothes need to be on-trend for this cooler seasons, but your hair also needs to be on point. Try out these fun fall hairstyles to help jazz up your seasonal look this autumn season. 

1. Big curls 

You don’t have to be from Texas to have big curls. This fall hairstyle requires big curlers and lots of hairsprays. Use hot rollers to curl your hair for one hour before you have to leave the house to ensure your hair has the maximum amount of time to curl. If you don’t have hot rollers you can easily make this look by using the thicker end of your curling iron and holding big chunks of hair for a longer amount of time. If your curls are still seeming on the small side you can brush them out and get an old Hollywood fall hairstyle going on. Try out this look for a night out on the town with your BFF or your BF. 


2. Half up half down 

If you don’t have time to curl all of your hair but still want to look like you put effort into your style then try out this fall hairstyle. 

Simply tie up half your hair, you can do this in a bun, braid or just a ponytail and then curl the bottom section. This look is great for an early class or a long day at the office. Not to mention looks like these are the perfect fall hairstyles for you if you have earrings that dangle but you never know when to wear them to properly show them off. 


3. Braids 

Braids aren’t just for little girls on the playground, you can rock them well into your twenties and still look stylish. Braids are especially great for fall as you can wear them with a beanie and make your entire outfit more seasonal. 

A few braids that look awesome and like you put effort into your appearance are fishtail, French and a reverse braid. If you are confused on how to braid your own hair or want to master the technique, spend an afternoon watching beauty bloggers on YouTube you’ll get the hang of it in no time.  


4. Topknot 

Fall can be a stressful time for most people, summer has ended and the stress of school may be starting in for some of you. If you get frustrated with your hair and don’t know what to do with it, throw it up into a topknot. 

See Also
6 Hairstyles for Short to Medium Length Hair

Not only does this look help get your hair out of your face, but it also looks chic and can be used to store pencils in a flash. This fall hairstyle is easy to achieve and can even be done in the middle of a class. Just make sure to always have hairbands on your wrist.   


5. The messy look 

Look like you just rolled out of bed, but instead, you actually put a lot of effort and time into this hairstyle. Long or short haired people can pull this look off. 

Backcomb, curl and braid different pieces of your hair to make yourself look like you’re a rocker who just got off of a tour in Europe. This look is harder to pull off and takes some time to perfect. 


Don’t be sad summer is over, be happy that fall is here and so are new autumn looks. Try out these fall hairstyles to keep your style and days feeling as fresh as summer was. Fall in love with these hairstyles this season. 

What fall hairstyles are you most excited for this season? Comment below!

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