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Fall Cookies That Will Go Perfectly With The Season

Fall Cookies That Will Go Perfectly With The Season

Fall cookies are some of the best cookies you can possibly get. They taste better. When you have cookies in the summertime, it’s just not the same. No one wants storebought confections that weren’t made with love and care. We want the kinds of cookies that you would take home in a tin, after having a wonderful dinner with loved ones. The best cookies anyone can ever have are laced with the happiness it took to make them. We become alienated from the fruits of our labor…for flavor.

Gingerbread Cookies

These are the most delicious cookies in the world. The best kinds of cookies are made with shortening. There’s a great recipe here. This recipe also uses shortening. They taste like nothing you’ve ever tasted before, with an ephemeral feeling of joy.

That feeling of rich-flavored wholesomeness will quickly fade into a fog of sick if you eat too many. These are absolutely amazing with a cup of joe and a newspaper.


Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies

Any cookie with cream cheese is a good cookie. A good recipe for these can be found here. It’s got everything that a Fall cookie calls for. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and pumpkin. A little taste of Autumn in each bite. These are a great midday treat.

Monster Cookies

These are great because they’re a Fall switch-up with the traditional cookie-cookie. They are a delightful oatmeal amalgam with chocolate chips and M&M’s. A great recipe can be found here. They’re a good change of pace for when the family gets sick of having the same old sweets. Oatmeal is also very filling, so the need to eat ten in a row is diminished.


Apple Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal cookies are (again) delicious. This recipe takes the traditional oatmeal raisin cookies and turns it into an Autumn oatmeal, apple dream. Sometimes, apple cookies are made with peanut butter, but generally speaking, apple tastes pretty good alone, as a sweet treat.

This recipe uses a glaze on top of their flour cookies. If you wanted to spice things up a little, you could add some apple juice or apple pureée to a glaze and spread it on your cookies.


Sugar Leaf Cookies

We’re ready for Fall cookies, and this recipe is a “maple leaf sugar cookie.” It calls for an almond flavoring if desired. Leaf cutouts might not be your thing. Maybe you’re tuckered out and don’t want to shape a maple leaf. That’s ok. It’s the flavor that matters. 

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Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies

Snickerdoodle cookies are always amazing. Adding pumpkin pureée to it will make it a Fall dream. This recipe breaks it down. It has all the hallmarks of an Autumn cookie: cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and pumpkin. The only cookies better than this one are the gingerbread ones. These cookies are a great addition to your spiced latte. You add an Instagram pic and it becomes the trinity of Fall.

Butter Pecan Cookies

This recipe calls for butterscotch, one of the best flavors in the candy kingdom. It also calls for baking soda, which isn’t traditionally used in butter cookie recipes. Crisp butter cookies have a base of butter, flour, and sugar. These are great after-dinner cookies that complement the end of a hard day’s work.

Salted Caramel Cookies

Caramel is often good in small amounts. This recipe throws that caramel icing on top, in all of its glory. When pairing a cookie with a drink, we often want the drink to be a little sweeter. This is true of wines and seems to be a good rule of thumb. The other rule is to have your drink completely unsweetened and dip your confection in the drink.


What are the Fall cookies that you eat every year? What’s your favorite? Let us know in the comments section below!

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