
Take a look at this guide to bullet journaling and what it takes to truly do it successfully so you are organized and proficient.
The Beginners Guide To Bullet Journaling With These Easy Steps

If you have heard of bullet journaling but don’t know what it is, how it…

These secret spots in Queens are totally worth checking out if you're going to be visiting New York anytime in the near future!
10 Secret Spots In Queens Totally Worth Checking Out

Secret spots in Queens are few and Hard to find. Because Queens people love to…

Why The Age Of Smear Tests Should Be Lowered
Why A Woman’s Intuition Is Never Wrong And You Should Trust It

A woman’s intuition, is us women’s guide and sixth sense, in knowing what we need…

These are some of the best healthy food bloggers that we absolutely love! They help give you ideas for healthy snacks, meals and everyday living!
The 10 Best Healthy Food Bloggers You Should Be Following

Eating healthy and living an overall healthy lifestyle seems to be a growing trend. It…

10 Books By Public Figures We All Should Read
The Best Self Help Books Everyone Should Read ASAP

I don’t know about you, but the only types of books I’ve been hearing about…

When you feel like you'll be single forever, you have to remember these few things. Bad times or uncertain times do not last forever.
When You Feel Like You’ll Be Single Forever Remember These Things

As someone who has been single for the majority of her life, I understand just…

Check out this list that backs up the belief that everything happens for a reason. When you are doubting it, read these reasons to believe.
Things To Remember When You Doubt Everything Happens For A Reason

As much as social media may make it seem, nobody has a perfect life. The…

These are the reasons why it is OK to be sad sometimes and also that it's OK to talk. Everyone should be able to feel her feelings.
Why It’s Normal To Be Sad Sometimes And It’s OK To Talk About It

Sometimes, it seems like feeling sad is the worst thing you could be possibly doing.…

These are some of the fascinating skills that you should take on in your lifetime. Whether it is learning an instrument or doing meditation...
10 Fascinating Skills That Are Worth Learning In Your Lifetime

If you’ve ever sat back and watched other people with super amazing, out-of-the-ordinary skills, you…

YouTube toy reviews are bringing in way more cash than you might expect. That being said, there's 7-year-olds out there making millions like it's nothing.
YouTube Toy Reviews Are A Thing, And These Kids Are Probably Making More Than You

YouTube is a platform that has grown in popularity over the past decade. In fact,…