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5 Exercises To Add Into Your Workout For A Non-Runner

5 Exercises To Add Into Your Workout For A Non-Runner

If you’re like me, you and running have never been and never will be close pals. The thought of getting up and going for a morning run always seems to have more cons than pros as I think about how many injuries take place when just out for a simple jog.

In school, it always made me frustrated that how “healthy” you were was based on how fast and for how long you could run. Not all of us were meant to be runners, as some people just physically do the activity for more than ten minutes without feeling in immense pain, no matter their size or athletic ability. So if you’re like me and you’re not a runner, here are some cardio exercises that will give you the same benefits with less pain!

1. Elliptical

This is always a great option to running because it still gives you that all over body workout, but is far less painful than running. Elliptical workouts help contribute to body strength, endurance, a lower risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as weight loss. A solid half hour on the elliptical typically burns about 300 calories at a standard level, and by the end, you’re barely even out of breath. Now that’s my kind of cardio!


2. StairMaster

People do not realize how much energy it actually takes to climb stairs until you actually do it on a stair master. A trip on the Stairmaster will increase your lower body strength, help build endurance, flexibility, and improve your balance. This cardio allows you to climb at your own pace and certainly keeps you engaged in what you’re doing. To me, it is still far less rigorous than a standard jog and you still get that same strength and endurance building.

3. Cycling

Want to whip your butt and legs into shape, but don’t want to risk the embarrassment of falling over from a misstep on the treadmill? A little cycling is sure to do the trick and the best part is you get to remain seated the whole time. A spin on the bike has benefits like increased muscle strength in your legs, butt, and stomach, decreasing stress, lowering body fat, and helping with cardiovascular health. I like to use the bike because I can do other things while I’m working out like reading or catching up on a show, due to the hand’s free nature of the exercise.

4. Jumping Rope

You probably haven’t picked up a jump rope since elementary school, but you seriously should consider doing so asap! Jumping rope has so many benefits including core building, endurance training, all over body workout and improvements in agility. The best part is it’s a low injury activity, which I like because running to me seems like a high risk of twisting my ankle or tearing a tendon in my knee each time I consider the idea.

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5. Walking

Yes sorry to spoil all you joggers superiority over us average walkers, but it DOES have similar benefits. Walking if done at a swift pace can help you slim down your waistline, lower your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, strengthen your bones and muscles, and increase endurance. So next time you’re pushing yourself to jog because you think simple walking will do nothing for your health, please think again.

You no longer have to fret about not being a runner. There are plenty of exercises out there for those who simply detest the activity and we should embrace all forms of cardio as it makes for a healthier and happier life!


Have some other running alternatives? Share your thoughts with us below!

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