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Everything You’ll Want To Pack For A Fall Road Trip

Everything You’ll Want To Pack For A Fall Road Trip

Fall is the perfect time of year to go on a road trip. You and your friends will likely get a long weekend for Fall break at some point, and it’s just the right amount of time to explore your surrounding area without having to buy an expensive plane ticket and waste days traveling. Instead, enjoy getting to your destination by planning a road trip through scenic routes of Fall foliage. Here’s everything you need for the perfect Fall road trip; buckle up and get ready for great views, better company, and one epic journey. 

1. Get Comfy & Cozy

The Fall season is known for its overall coziness, and leaving the comfort of your bed for the backseat of a car doesn’t have to change that! Fill the backseat with cozy throw blankets, neck pillows, or even full-sized pillows if you have room. Not only will this make your journey relaxing and allow you to truly lounge in the backseat, but the comfort items can also be taken out for impromptu picnics along the way. Stop in the midst of rolling hills of Fall foliage and layout on your blankets, enjoying a snack or just each other’s company. Stay comfy even if you’re the driver by packing hoodies and cozy socks, but don’t indulge in a neck pillow or anything that might make you too comfortable on those long drives.


2. Windows Down Essentials

Fall road trips are perfect because the air is cool and crisp, but not too cold that you can’t roll your windows or sunroof down. The light may go early, but take advantage of it while its out. To do this, pack your favorite pair of sunglasses and make sure they actually protect against UVA and UVB rays if you’re planning on looking outside for hours at a time. You’ll also want to pack Chapstick and moisturizer as the cool air can be very drying and abrasive on the skin. Finally, consider grabbing some allergy medicine before you head out as there can be a lot of pollen floating around on windy fall days, particularly in the Northeast. Oh, and don’t forget to pack a camera. Between the goofy smiles of your caffeine-infused girlfriends to the stunning winding roads out the window, you’ll want to document everything.

3. Don’t Forget Destination Gear

While the road trip itself may feel like the most exciting part of your journey, don’t forget to think about where you’re going as well. Check the weather and plan ahead. Many places are rainy and cold throughout the Fall months, and you’ll want to come prepared with a raincoat and cute booties. Otherwise, pack sweaters and long pants to accommodate for the dropping temperatures.

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4. Sustain Yourself to Sustain the Mood

No one wants to deal with a #hangry driver or to spend hours on a remote road when everyone is starving. Having said this, road trips can add up and make your body feel sluggish if you rely solely on fast food options and stop every hour for a new sweet treat. Keep everyone well-fed and happy by packing a well-rounded mix of snacks. You can have your Cheetos and chocolate bars, so long as you also bring fruit and nuts to really keep you going. Also, bring tons of water. Stopping to pee a ton sucks, but it’s better than nursing a constant headache because you’re dehydrated. The last tip for keeping moods elevated is to prepare a road trip playlist before you leave. Agree on a mood (or a few) and have everyone contribute ahead of time. That way, you avoid fights for the aux as well as awkward silences if no one wants to DJ.


Have fun planning your destination, routes, and playlists with your best girlfriends. Let us know where you would love to go for a Fall road trip in the comments section!

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