Everything You need To Get Yourself Ready For Spring

Spring is right around the corner and with the pandemic still being the rise of our concern, we need to evaluate our goals and plans for the year.
In retrospect, things should slowly go back to normal in the upcoming months so let’s prepare together for the Spring. Just take a deep breath in. You’re not the only one binge eating while watching Netflix.
At the start of this quarantine, I felt depressed, lost in a world that became so unfamiliar. Without a routine, without MY organized, and strict routine, my values of life had diminished. I went from lifting 20 kg dumbbells in the gym to eating 20 kg of carrot cake. My schoolwork and studying became staring at a screen until my eyes water. My travel plans – and trust me there were many – turned into dreams upon dreams that will take very long to realize. Yoga, however, is one of the only passions that has kept me moving, breathing, and loving things the way they are.
Here are a few quarantine tips as well as things to do before the Spring that will keep you smiling, keep you creating, and keep you healthy.
1) Baking
Mixing ingredients together to create art, and being able to taste it at the end is the cherry on top – literally. There are so many recipes you could try and enjoy at the end. You have the opportunity to explore different cultures through different foods since travel plans have all been canceled this year.
2) Reading
One of the two only ways to go “out” this Spring is by becoming and impersonating all the fictional characters and living through them, living their stories, and experiencing alternative worlds, especially now when life is paused. There are many books coming out and many websites where you can buy them for a very low price. Please, try and read before Spring so you can be at ease and have a positive daily routine.
3) Writing
Express yourself, how you feel, journal your days. When you look back at it one day, your strength will be appreciated. Write about what you look forward to in the Spring, the smell of flowers or the fresh fruit- the list is infinite. Writing is amazing, and who knows you may end up writing a book or short story that you may want to publish. If you are not a big writer, you could try scrapbooking and putting together memories that you have gathered from the past and keep it all in one journal.
4) Make Music
Let your Beethoven out, sing while playing the piano, or the guitar. Who cares if it’s wrong, there’s no right way to create music. There are many videos online that can help you become fluent in an instrument and I think you should consider it- especially if it has been on your bucket list for the longest.
5) Gardening
Give back to the planet. Create life, just like how you were created. Honor the planet when it needs it the most. There are many community gardens that need volunteers so before the Spring would be the perfect time to start planting and keeping our community healthy.
6) Smoothie/ Juice Making
Immune system boost is the most important aspect of medicine right now. Focus on blending fruits and fighting out which ones go together to create a perfect taste designated simply for you- food science!
7) Painting
The softness of the brush against the paper and the final piece will want you to crave more. There are many options like painting with a twist that can guide you if you feel like that is what you need. Imagine the beautiful flowers and the fresh smell of Spring, then pick up your brush and let your creativity guide you.
8) Sleeping
If you usually get 5 hours of sleep a day; here’s your chance! If you need a nap- take a mat outside and breathe in the fresh air, while your mind rests. You can even build a hammock or a chair that balances and wings, take a book out, relax, and fall asleep if that is what you need. When this quarantine is over, you will feel refreshed and over sleeping- ready to conquer the world.
9) Yoga
Learn the true values and morals of life by bettering yourself and challenging the norms. Dive into spirituality, pray, or dance. Feel grounded and receive love and light. It is important to have a belief and honor our faith as well as ourselves. If we truly think about it, yoga goes against everything we believe in. Instead of standing on our feet, standing on our heads. Instead of always speaking and fidgeting, the power of silence. Instead of medicine, meditation. Try it, be brave!
Even though life has seemed to slow down for all of us, it is important to grasp these changes and incorporate them into our lifestyles, personalities, and mindsets. Take time to do the things that our busy schedules don’t allow us to do. Feel every moment and remember it.
Sometimes, we live in such selfish and mindless ways. We become puppets of a system designed to create hate and jealousy. Do the simple things; stay home, learn to control your breathing, sleep all day if that’s what you’re missing, exercise, create, and figure out new ways of living. Become still and listen to the environment and your loved ones more deeply. In the absence of us living in heartless ways, the earth will heal. And when it does, and the danger passes, we will all join together again. We will grieve our losses and make new choices.
Take this time to better yourself, dream new images, and create new ways to live.
The love, passion, strength, and integrity in my heart honor each and every one of you.
Comment down below what you plan on doing before the Spring! Any shopping, and activities, anything at all, comment and share with friends!
Hi everyone! My name is Sheloma - a name my father made up. “She” because I was a girl and the rest inspired by the meaning of peace in Jewish (Shalom). According to ancestry.com, I am Greek, French, Italian, Romanian, and Asian but conforming to my education and the way I was brought up, I am 100 percent Romanian. I am 18 years old, born in March, and definitely a Pisces. My birthday is on the day we celebrate women internationally. I was born in Singapore, moved to France after one year, then to Qatar where I attended a British school. Which is why I say “petrol” instead of “gas” and “mum” instead of “mom”. After that, we moved to France where I studied at an International School, needless to say, that these were some of the best years of my life. I now live and go to school in Houston. Though I have an ENTJ personality, the “chief” personality I feel like an introvert. I like learning about religions and honoring all the gods as well as myself and the universe. Yoga is my higher power and my spirituality. I am a fitness/health enthusiast. I love training and working out in many different ways. Lifting weights is my favorite but I also enjoy, running, boxing and swimming. Traveling is my oxygen and if you know me, you know I’m not exaggerating. I love going to places and merging the cultures with my own, interacting with people, and the environment.