Categories: Travel

Everything You Need In Your Carry On Bag

When it comes to flying somewhere, we always want to have the essentials packed. I’m the kind of person who thinks about every possible scenario that could happen on a trip and pack as if I’m going to be gone for twice as long as I actually will be. I have to cover all the grounds if I’m going to be miles away from home. As long as I can close the suitcase and keep it under the maximum weight limit, I don’t really care about limiting myself on how many clothes I’m going to bring. It’s hard enough trying to plan outfits beforehand. But when it comes to things I absolutely need when going on vacation, I have to physically write a list, gather everything together, go through the list and check each item off to make sure it is packed. And these absolute essentials must be kept in the carry on bag, who knows if the airport will lose your luggage. Without further ado, here is everything I need in my carry on bag, that you may need to0.


Please, please, please, before you go anywhere, make sure you have the most essential items with you. Your wallet, cards, and passport, even your vaccination card, is a NEED for anywhere you go. You don’t want to get to the airport and realize you’re forgotten the most essential items for a trip. That’s just a bad omen for the rest of your trip. I will literally check five times before leaving the house to make sure I have these in my carry on even if I say to myself “okay, I put my wallet into my carry bag”.


If there’s one thing that I pack first before anything, it’s headphones. I’ll keep them plugged in charging two days before I leave because I can’t stand traveling without listening to music. I especially like being able to drown out all the noise and just tune in to the music I want to listen to. To chill in the airport before your flight, to cover the roar of the loud plane engine, the baby crying behind you, the people who won’t stop talking. Just slide these bad boys over your ears and you’re in your own safe little world. Be sure to download your playlists or any Netflix shows you want to watch while on your flight or else you’re out of luck. I’ll even bring backups like AirPods and wire earbuds just in case those headphones run out of battery. Over the top? A little bit, yeah. But I can guarantee you that doing this has been a blessing for many trips.

Motion Sickness Pills

No matter the mode of transportation, I will, without a doubt, get queasy. Those little bookstores at the airport that are basically a little convenience store are a required stop before sitting down to wait to board. Before flying I have to make sure I get a couple packets of those Dramamine pills. Keep these in you carry on bags and pop them thirty minutes before taking off to ensure nothing will come back once your miles high in the sky. If you’re one of those who unfortunately gets motion sick, don’t forget to stick this in your carry bag to avoid feeling nauseous the entire trip.

Pullover/ Hoodie

To me, there’s nothing more comfortable than wearing a hoodie. And this feeling only amplifies when traveling. I love wearing hoodies, I have way too many. Whether it’s short or long flight, be sure to bring a hoodie to pullover as airports and planes tend to be on the cooler side. They’re also just the epitome of comfort so it’s a great thing to pack in your carry on when you just want dress comfy while traveling.


Sure you have your phone and a laptop. But an Ipad is somethin’ else lemme tell you and it’s a great thing to pack in your carry on. If you’re on your phone the entire flight, chances are the battery is going to die and then how are you going to find your Uber ride? I saw a tweet once that said “I think an Ipad would make my life better” and I thought that was just them being dramatic. But, no. When I got my Ipad I was glued to it for three days straight. I had a cold and I lied in bed all three days drawing with the Adobe Fresco app. It was life changing and it’s honestly now my favorite Apple device. I leave my laptop for work, phone for texting, and everything else I do with my Ipad. Have I sold you? Make your pre-boarding waits go by faster and your layovers zoom by spending time drawing or doing whatever you want on an Ipad.

See Also


Avoid paying those high airport prices for snacks and food by bringing some snacks from home and carrying them in your carry on. Those airports can rack the prices up high for just about anything and if you’re already traveling on a budget, this can get annoying. Like c’mon, you’re gonna charge six bucks for a small bag of cheez-its? No thanks I’ll just bring my own from home. Or if you can, get some extra packets of airplane pretzels to keep in your bag. Why are they so good? What’s your go to store snack while waiting at the airport? 

Self Care Pouch

When you’re at a high altitudes, your skin can get dry so it’s nice to pack travel sized hand lotions and moisturizers to take care of your skin. When you step off a plane you can feel like you desperately need a shower, something about being cramped up in close quarters with strangers and who knows what kind of germs, it can leave you feeling germaphobic when landing. If you’re brave enough to go to the restroom on the plane, or in your seat, freshen up a bit by bringing face wipes, moisturizer, hand sanitizer, and hand lotion. It can really make a difference.

I hope these carry on items help you when you’re packing your next carry on bag!

Logan Feightner

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