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Essential Items To Keep In Your Purse

Essential Items To Keep In Your Purse

These are essential for every young woman to have in her purse. This article is full of the mundane and interesting. If you are interested in what we have on our list, just keep reading. 

1) Chapstick

Chapstick is important to have on hand. It does not matter the season. Chapped lips will never be on-trend. You can have any chapstick that you like, but it is always fun to have on with flavor. Burt’s Bees has a variety of flavors to choose from. 

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2) Hand cream

Who likes looking at dry hands? No one, that’s who. Nothing is worse than the dry feelings your hands get during the winter months, especially if you work with your hands for your job. Even if it is not winter, it is always great to have hand cream in your purse.  You never know, maybe one of your friends will be in a dire need for some hand lotion, or maybe when you are rushing out of the house and you look down and see how cracked your hands are. You have the soltuion already in your bag and ready to go. 

Get the Product: 


3) Travel size deodorant 

Deodorant is essential to your life, but I know that we all have mishaps. Having a little travel-sized deodorant in your purse will be your life saver eventually. I am sure most of us will not admit it, but I know a fair number of folks who rush out to class or work and forget to put their deodorant on before they leave. Carrying a little deodorant in your bag is the easiest fix. You will not even have to think about whether you did, while you are rushing out of the house because you know you already have a backup in your purse. 

Get the Product: 

4) Body cream 

Who doesn’t like to smell good? Bath and Body Works, Victoria Secret, and other places have body creams on top of body creams. There are so many great scents available so why not? This is also great for those you always forgot to lotion their body before they head out. There are travel-sized ones that you can always have in your purse, just like the deodorant. 


Get the product: 

5) Mini perfume/ sample

That body cream will only last you for so long. It always nice to have a perfume sample in your bag locked and loaded. You never know who you may run into: your ex, a frenemy, or a potential beau. Being prepared for any is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  Smelling good also can be a big confidence booster. 

Get the product: 


6) A lipgloss that you are currently wearing

Makeup tends to wear down over time. Lipstick is great, but a gloss is a way less maintenance. For everyday wear, lip gloss is the way to go. With a lipstick, you usually have to line your lips and make sure it is “perfect,” but with a gloss, you do not have to do all the prep. You just have to apply it like lip balm, and you are golden. There are also different types of lip gloss colors, so you have choices. If you are going straight from work or school to a party, then you can always pop on a different color gloss to make you feel ready. 

Get the product: 


7) Blotting sheets

This is for all my fellow, oily- skin girls. Whether you are a makeup wearer are not, blotting papers will be the best thing after a long day. Generally, after a full day, your oil tend to build upon your forehead and around your mouth. Blotting papers will help remedy that. NYX has a lot of different ones on the market as well. Their black ones are just to mattify your face. The orange one is infused with tea tree oil. and the green one has green tea extract. All of these ingredients are great for oily skin folks. 

Get the product: 


8) Wallet

Can’t go anyway far without some money, right? If you have the funds, I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to invest ina nice wallet. Whether a wallet is nice is subjective, but it is pretty important that you get one that you love and see yourself using for years to come. 

See Also
Nobody ever expects to become gravely ill, but it happened to me. I had sepsis and I lived to tell the tale. Here is my story.


Get the product: 

9) Power bank

In today’s time, your phone’s battery life is a safety concern, especially if you are a woman. You should always have a fully charged power bank in your purse with a USB cord. That way no matter where you are, you do not have to worry about your phone battery dying. You can feel secure in knowing that you do not have to rush anyway because you already have that sorted out. 

Get the product: 


10) Pepper spray

Another important safety measure is pepper spray. I hope nothing occurs where you would have to use, but it is better to have it than to not have it. Unfortunately, women are targeted a lot, especially at night in the city areas, but life cannot stop. You deserve the peace of mind. You should not have to worry about that stuff. Adding a little pepper spray, in your purse will give you the security you need. There are several on the market now that you can attach to your keys, which I am sure will make it easier to find. 

Get this product: 


11) Taser

If you need something with a little more zing..? Get it? Anyway, a taser is another safety tool to have to help you navigate the world with confidence. They come in a variety of colors and are also available at many car shops. They are pretty accessible, so please get your hands on one. 

Get the product: 


What purse essentials did we miss? Do you think there’s anything that we left out? Let us know! 

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