
10 90s Kids’ Shows To Rewatch As An Adult

10 90s Kids’ Shows To Rewatch As An Adult

I'm a 90's kid that lives for nostalgia, there's no getting around that fact. This quarantine has allowed me to…

5 years ago

25 Best Chick Flicks Of All Time

There are lots of things guys just don't understand. Good movies is just one example, but who cares? Let them…

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12 Sad Netflix Movies for When You Need a Good Cry

Do you have access to a Netflix account? And, more importantly, are you looking to cry your eyes out to…

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10 Cute Instagram Pictures You Need On Your Feed

If you are an Instagram junkie, you know how hard it is sometimes to come up with cute content. Sometimes…

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The Subtle Genius of Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is show that is so uniquely its own. It's meant to be a workplace comedy, but it becomes…

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7 Cozy Activities For A Rainy Day

Some days just aren't meant for sunlight and exploring the outdoors. It might be due to bad weather, general exhaustion,…

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Dance Your Way Through Pandemic Times With These 10 Spotify Playlists

Sheltering-in is a real stress on everyone, but these Spotify playlists might just help you get through these trying times.…

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10 Best Books to Hit the Shelves in 2020

If you're looking for a good book to sink your teeth into this summer, here are a few of the…

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10 Movies To Feed Nostalgia

We've been there. You've finished binging the latest Netflix show, or re-watching your favorite show for the millionth time, and…

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Enduring Fantasies: Tolkien And The Lord Of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the most beloved fantasy series of all time. I don't…

5 years ago