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Items You Need On Your Emergency Kit List For Your Purse

Items You Need On Your Emergency Kit List For Your Purse

Check out these emergency kit list essentials you need for your purse on-the-go. There are so many items on this list that can save the day.

I’m only 19 years old, yet I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, an incredibly trying condition to have, especially at such a young age. I constantly experience flares, aka days when my pain and symptoms are so bad that I can’t get out of bed. At times I can’t even walk the short distance from my dorm room bed to my desk, which stored painkillers and a heating pad. A few months ago I decided to create a “Flare Kit”, which would house all of the items I’d be in too much pain to acquire during a flare. Kept right beside my bed, it’s easy and almost painful to reach. You can even tweak the emergency kit list so it fits to your needs, whether to make your own “Cold Kit”, “Break-up Kit”, or “Bad Day Kit”.

Endless Amounts of Medicine

Medicine is the most important item I store on my emergency kit list. I have been prescribed to take a total of 12 pills per day, which only increases when my pain is unbearable and I have to take extra pain killers. I keep my normal prescriptions along with a bottle of extra-strength Tylenol so I can easily take the first step to decreasing my pain.

Icy-Hot Roll On

Sometimes my painkillers only slightly take the edge off of my pain. Icy-Hot cream helps to directly relieve the pain on the surface. The roll on version is especially convenient as the easy application doesn’t force me to wash the oil off of my hands.


Heated stuffed animal

While heating pads are nice, I think heated stuffed animals are so better. A lot of companies sell them, with all different animals and scents. My personal favorite is my lavender elephant! They heat up in the microwave within minutes and you’ll be able to cuddle with something that helps with pain and stress relief!

Favorite Book

I’m an avid reader so nothing makes me feel better than reading my favorite book. I always keep The Great Gatsby nearby to use as entertainment and distraction. Since it’s my favorite book, I’m not just distracted reading it but I’m also happy to give myself time to do something I love.

Fuzzy Socks

This is all about comfort. Whether you’re sick, upset, hungover or just having a lazy day, fuzzy socks will make a world of difference. Your cold feet with thank you when you slip on your favorite pair of fuzzy socks and snuggle back into bed. This item is essential for the winter time on your emergency kit list.

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Your body needs to be fed constantly. Too many times we neglect feeding our bodies because we’re too lazy to get out of bed or in too much pain to even take that extra step. Keeping a granola bar or guilty pleasure snacks on hand will not only keep your blood sugar up but will also line your stomach for all of those medications. This is another one of the essential emergency kit list items to keep you fed!

Water Bottle

Hydration is incredibly important yet most people neglect it. A boost of water can make you feel refreshed, awake and reinvigorated. (It’s also handy to have when you’re taking pills around the clock!) Instead of struggling to get out of bed and force yourself to walk down the hall to the water fountain, keep an emergency bottle on hand!



I lose my headphones all of the time. I know it can be irritating to hear what your roommate is doing on their phone, so keeping them in a safe place is a must! Whether you’re listening to music, listening to an audio book, watching funny videos, or doing a meditation, those headphones will come in handy to keep you calm in distracted all while not disturbing your roommate. Having all of my necessities accessible to me made a huge difference in getting through the day. Try these quick and easy tips to get you through those rough days!

Which of these items on this emergency kit list are you getting? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image Source: weheartit