10 Efficient Ways To Monitor Your Water Intake

Managing your water intake can be hard – especially when you are terrible at tracking it throughout the day; in fact, this can either cause you to drink entirely too much (which has the potential to kill you) or not enough (which can dehydrate you); all in all, there’s got to be an easier way though right? That’s why we’ve compiled these 10 efficient ways that you can monitor how much you’ve had so you no longer have to worry about it.

1. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through Phone Alerts.

What better way is there to monitor your water intake if not through phone alerts. You can even go as far as setting them to silent as long as you are being reminded – throughout the course of the day – to start drinking a bottle of water or even a cup. This also helps if you happen to live a very busy lifestyle so that you are able to keep up with just how much you’ve consumed.

2. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake By Tracking It.

No matter whether you choose to monitor your water intake manually – or electronically – tracking is a great way of doing so. In fact, this can help you calculate exactly how many ounces you’ve had for the day – as opposed to how many ounces you have left to gulp down. Just be sure that you are accurate on your count – because there are sure to be times where you will get lost.

3. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through “The Gallon Method”.

Many of us have all heard of the gallon water challenge at some point – where people are challenged to carry around a gallon jug of water and drink it throughout the day. Well, you can do something similar – even if you aren’t comfortable with going to such extremes yet; make a series of lines on the outside of your carton to indicate every cup – or bottle of water. Then you are able to keep track of how much you’ve had – just by glancing at the jug’s exterior.

4. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through An App.

If you’re wanting something that allows you to do the smallest amount of work possible – when it comes to tracking your water intake – then you might want to look at investing in an app; this way it can do it all for you – and eliminate a good majority of the hard work. In doing so, you’ll find that you can worry about one less thing – and even have the option of installing whatever app that you’d like to best fit your needs.

5. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through A Food Diary.

If you’re already big on dieting – or just watching what you eat in general – then you’re sure to like the water intake feature that comes in a wide range of food journals. Here, you are able to easily add how much water you’ve had during that particular day, and even keep track of the amount on a weekly – or monthly – basis. This will help you see how far you’ve progressed – and how far you have left to go.

6. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through A Designated Water Bottle.

One of the biggest ways that you can track your water intake is by designating a specific water bottle to put it in. In doing so, you can always know how many bottles it takes in order to get to your goal – based on how big or small it may be. Not only that, but it will be a lot easier for you to stay consistent – by being consistent in the tools that you use.

7. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake Through A Schedule.

The best thing you can do for yourself – when it comes to water intake – is develop a schedule. In doing so, your body will eventually adjust – allowing you to ditch the schedule altogether. Fortunately, this is beneficial for those who used to drink a little water – or none at all – because they will soon find themselves craving water, as it becomes a need.

See Also

8. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake With A Friend.

Sometimes things are a whole lot easier when they involve a friend – so if you don’t want to do it alone – then grab someone to join you on the ride. Then if one of you begins to backslide, the other can hold that person accountable – while still supporting her – at the same time; not only that but doing something together can help the two of you to grow as friends.

9. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake With Sticky Notes.

Add a little motivation – to help you move towards your goals – with sticky notes. You can even go as far as putting them in areas where you are prone to backslide; one example of this would be on the 2-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper in the fridge. This, in turn, will help ensure that your water intake outweighs everything else – as long as you’re consistent with it.

10. You Can Monitor Your Water Intake By Drinking A Glass Before Each Meal – And With Each Snack.

Right off the bat, this will help you to lock in six glasses of water daily – while allowing enough time to pass between each meal/snack. In other words, you won’t feel as though you’ve taken a deep dive into the middle of the ocean – to where you are drowning in water – but will have the perfect amount at just the right time. After all, it’s important to be careful with how much you consume because not enough is detrimental while too much has the potential to kill you. 

Hydrating yourself properly shouldn’t have to be such a hassle; we hope that these 10 efficient ways you can monitor your water intake help you get back on track with balancing your fluids. Don’t forget to share – and let us know what you think – in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-key-smartphone-and-plastic-bottle-1082960/
Whitney Crinklaw

Whitney is a senior at Missouri State University - majoring in English/Creative Writing and minoring in Journalism. In her free time she enjoys freelance writing - and creating content for her blog. She writes to encourage/uplift others - and hopes to one day have her own magazine column.

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