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8 Edible Flowers To Make Your Meals Restaurant Like

8 Edible Flowers To Make Your Meals Restaurant Like

Flowers are a pretty thing to adorn your house, a gift to someone or just something to smell. But imagine if you could add them to your meals? I mean we have all seen pretty cakes decorated with sugar flowers, but we are not talking about those type of flowers.

We mean totally natural and edible flowers! Learn about a few you can add to your meals with beneficial properties for you plus they will make your meals look or taste just like they came out of a restaurant!

1. Peony Flower

Peonies are really beautiful flowers to decorate our gardens or in potted plants to have inside our house. Peonies are also commonly used in bridal bouquets and they come in a variety of colors such as pink, white, fuchsia or yellow. In China, they tend to take the petals of this flower parboiled them and sweetened them to use during tea-time as a delicacy. Peonies are also a really good garnish to add to your punches and lemonades during summer time.


2. Dahlia Flower

Dahlias are a type of flower that is best planted in May and early June. They blossom the best in areas where they receive lots of sun. Something people don’t really know is that dahlias not only make your garden look and smell amazing, but they also have edible tubers. The old population of the Aztecs used to enjoy their sweet roots as they would use potatoes. Dahlia’s tubers are peeled, boiled and smashed to made hash browns or used as a garnish for desserts where you can just eat it.

3. Lilac Flower

This small lilac flower can be used as an easy decoration for your nude cakes to gift to your loved ones. Still, lilacs are not only used as a pretty garnish because you can even make mocktails out of them! Lilac infused sugar to add to your morning coffee, lilac cupcakes or cookies are some of the recipes you could start trying with this beautiful tiny flower.

4. Marigold Flower

With beautiful and bright yellow colors, marigolds have various uses besides repelling insects in our gardens. Ancient Greeks tend to use marigolds to add color to their foods just as they did with saffron because it adds a rich golden to the food. People say that marigold flowers add a subtly spicy and kind of citrus flavor to the foods, great for desserts!


5. Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flowers are your classic Hawaiian decoration. With a degradation from yellow to red, this plant grows easily in your warm weather garden and can become one of your favorite snacks. One of their main uses is for making tea which tastes like a mixture of lemon and cranberries with a lot of nutritional benefits.

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6. Dandelion Flower

Dandelion flowers are more like a garden weed that a plant you wanted to have in your garden, but after hearing its benefits next time you will think twice before removing it. This flower can be eaten alone or added to a salad. People also use it to make jelly and the fan favorite, wine. These flowers have powerful antioxidant properties, they reduce blood sugar, fight skin conditions and are highly nutritious.


7. Nasturtium Flower

Nasturtium flavors have made their way to become a cooking favorite for their unique peppery and spicy flavor. These flowers are usually red, yellow, white or orange and are used as a garnish for pastries, cakes, and salads. People also blend them into pesto to add spiciness to it.

8. Rose Flower

Roses are a classic, from gifting them to your lover or friend on Valentine’s Day to making aromatic water with them. You can also use your favorite flower to mix it into fruit or green salads, dry it out and add it to a granola bowl or just as chips. Fresh rose petals can be muddled and added to jam, beverages, and jellies. The choice is yours!

Go into your garden and start creating a restaurant like meal with these edible flowers! Let us know if you try any!

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