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10 Easy Workouts To Get Your Body In Shape

10 Easy Workouts To Get Your Body In Shape

10 Easy Workouts To Get Your Body In Shape

There are ten easy workouts to get your body in shape. It’s almost spring break, and we’re all working hard to get our bodies toned. If you’re anything like me, I’m a bit new to the workout game. I know that I want to tone my abs, legs, and arms, but sometimes I don’t know what workouts to do. That’s why I’ve been searching the internet for the best easy workouts. These exercises are so easy you can do them at either the gym or home. Get on your workout shoes ladies and gents because it’s time to get in shape, and try these easy workouts.

1. Push-Ups

Push-ups are the perfect beginner’s exercise – Push-Ups both tone your arms and your core. If you don’t feel like you can do the standard push-up, then drop to your knees. It’ll be easier, but you’ll still be getting toned.

2. Sit-Ups

It’s time to get that core into shape with this easy exercise. Sit-ups help gain core strength by using your stomach muscles to sit up. Make sure your feet are well planted on the ground or have someone hold them for you. Sit-ups are a great easy workout.


3. Lunges

Lunges are great because they focus on your legs. They help you develop lower body strength. It helps tone the core, hamstrings, hips, glutes, and quads. What I usually do is lunge across a room. If you’re doing this at home, I suggest the kitchen!

4. Chest Press

This exercise requires you to acquire some weights, but I promise you it’s worth it. A chest press works both your chest and your arm muscles. Sometimes there are even machines at the gym that you can use. It’s an easy workout that is a starting point to tone your arms.

5. Squats

Squats are in the top five of easy workouts. Squats will help you tone your legs and behind. Make sure that your feet are separated at shoulder length and that you’re sitting entirely into the squat. Only then is this easy workout working.


6. Planks

Planks can be a little scary. However, they’re an easy workout. Planks are a great way to strengthen your core and endurance. Even though it may be hard, the longer you hold your plank, the more effective it will be. A plank is one of the most effective and easy exercises.

7. Overhead Press

We’re going back to the arms on this one. You can’t slack when it comes to your arms. Of course, you’re going to need some weights for this easy workout. There are multiple muscles in your arms. Overhead presses focus on a different part that your chest presses.

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8. High Knees

High knees are a great way to get cardio in when you don’t feel like hitting the treadmill. They’re called high knees so no slacking with these. This workout is one of the easiest, and I’d even say high knees are fun.

9. Climbers

Mountain climbers are a necessary evil. The get your heart rate going, core working, and legs moving. Climbers are one of those easy workouts that makes you work. This exercise is not for the faint-hearted, but everyone should give it a try at least once.

10. Bicep Curl

My final easy workout is the bicep curl. Once again we’re going to focus on our arms. Grab some weights, I usually suggest 15 lbs and curl your arms upwards. Make sure you’re not swinging your arms, keep them tight and next to your body. Bicep curls are an excellent way to create muscle mass.

Which of these easy workouts are you going to try this week?
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