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Easy Stocking Stuffer Ideas For This Holiday Season

Easy Stocking Stuffer Ideas For This Holiday Season

Everyone remembers when they were kids coming racing down the stairs Christmas morning to find not only presents under the tree but a stocking stuffed with goodies. Now as adults, just like you have to buy your presents for the family with your own money, you also have to come up with good ideas for stocking stuffers. 

Now everyone knows that there are a lot of generic stocking stuffers for dads it’s no surprise when they pull out new socks or underwear. For mom, she will get her favorite candy and a book by her favorite author. My rule of thumb when it comes to putting together a stocking is to try and include the following: food, a joy, an essential, a tool, something wearable, a hobby, and a tech. For example, for my brother, I would put together these items: beef jerky, a deck of cards, cologne, a tactical pen, a beanie, game tickets, and earbuds. All things that are inexpensive and things I know he would like. 

But the best part about stockings on Christmas is that the gifts inside were personalized to the person. For example, my dad loves scratch-off tickets and my mom loves tootsie rolls. So my brother and I make sure every year their stockings have those things. But that leaves the rest of the stocking to fill with goodies. As someone who loves getting stocking stuffers for my family, here are some ideas to get you started.


For Mom

As kids, moms do everything for us. They not only help us pick out presents for other family members but she also buys them for us since we don’t have any income at the ripe old age of twelve. So to show mom some love and holiday cheer, it’s important to make sure her stocking stuffers are reflective of our appreciation for her. 

Now everyone’s mom is different. She might be really into cooking so you get her a new apron, or if she likes make-up, maybe stick some new beauty blenders into her stocking. There are a lot of options that you can put into a stocking stuffer that will show your mom you care and take note of her interests. 

Some Ideas: 

Something homemade







Face mask

Nail polish



Makeup brushes



A gift card to their favorite store

For Dad

As much as dads love to get more socks and underwear in their stockings for practical reasons, it’s always nice to give them something that they will enjoy based on their hobbies. Or if your dad is like mine and has had the same wallet since before I was born, maybe keep that in mind. 


But just like moms, all dads are different and have different hobbies. My dad is a big hunter so I always include hand warmers or a new headlamp for those cold winter mornings. He also is a big Philadelphia sports fan, so I include either a new tumbler, t-shirt, or gloves related to Philly sports. 

Some Ideas: 


Coffee mug or tumbler


Personalized picture frame

Favorite snack (pretzels, nuts, cookies, jerky)

Christmas card with a handwritten note (this works for mom too)


A gift card to their favorite store

Eyeglass repair kit

Money clip


Beef jerky pack

Playing cards


For Siblings

Now while your parents may be the ones providing the most for your siblings’ stocking stuffers, it never hurts to buy them something small but meaningful to put in their stockings, especially if you are on a budget for presents. 

I only have one sibling, a younger brother. At a young age, he went through all the phases, trains, trucks, Power Rangers, you name it. But as he’s gotten older, his interests have made it easy to find stuff to put in his stockings. He is a big Star Wars and Legos buff still, so every year he gets a small Star Wars lego in his stocking that he can assemble in a few minutes and he puts it on display. But that’s the great thing about stocking stuffers, you can still personalize the gifts but they don’t have to be big and extravagant. 

Some Ideas: 

Favorite drink mix (tea bags, hot chocolate, coffee K-cups)


Sports memorabilia

A book from their favorite genre



A gift card from their favorite store

Luggage tag






For Kids

Now whether or not you have kids of your own, little nieces or nephews, cousins, or you adopt a family to donate gifts to for the holidays, there are a plethora of items you can put in their stockings that they will love. 

Some Ideas: 

Bottle of bubbles



Crayons and coloring books

Fruit snacks

Sidewalk chalk



Bath toys

Craft supplies


Plush toys

Card games

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For Partners

We all want to spoil our partners during the holidays. We want to see their face light up as we’ve gotten them the perfect gift, well stocking stuffers are the best way to get a collection of smaller but still great gifts.

I’m a big fan of picking things out for stocking stuffers for my partner throughout the year and hiding them away. If they mention that he likes a certain brand of chapstick, I will make a note of it and pick it up next time I’m out and hide it away. Just little things that will make it easier come holiday time so you aren’t rushing to find things last minute to fill into the stocking. 


Some Ideas: 

Beef jerky


Silicone scalp massager


Hot chocolate bombs

Personalized leather key ring

Pop sockets


Bath bombs

Essential oil blends

Coffee or tea


Puzzle box

Reusable straws

Hand or pocket warmer



For Pets

Last but not least we have stocking stuffers for our fur babies. While they may not have the same enthusiasm for their gifts as humans, it’s still nice to include them in the festivities whenever possible. Plus getting them their own stocking is an adorable addition to that obligatory Instagram photo of all the stockings hanging up. 


Some Ideas: 

New collar


Chew toy




Rope toy


Matching sweaters

What do you guys think of these stocking stuffers? Will you include any of them this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below!