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10 Easy Steps to Help Reduce and Keep Away That Annoying Acne

10 Easy Steps to Help Reduce and Keep Away That Annoying Acne

10 Easy Steps to Help Reduce and Keep Away That Annoying Acne

Nobody wants to deal with acne, but of course, mother nature always finds a reason to have it her way.

While makeup can be a temporary solution to your pimple popping problems, it’s unfortunately not the cure. (beauty guru’s make it look so easy!) However, there are remedies and natural solutions that can give you the clear skin you’ve always dreamed of, and I’m here to tell you just that!

Here are 10 easy steps that will help reduce and keep away that annoying acne!


1.Wash Your face

Washing your face alone will not keep away those unwanted breakouts. In fact, using regular soap alone can irritate and dry out your skin if used often enough. Thankfully, several therapeutic, nonabrasive cleansers will not only rid your pores of any dirt and oil but also wash away bacteria and excess debris! As a bonus, there are facial scrubbers you can purchase that will give you a much deeper cleanse without causing damage or irritation. This can be relieving of any hidden grime that your hands might have missed.

However, some cleaning products might not be for everyone, as some may carry ingredients that can worsen your skin concerns. So before making any purchases, find out the type of skin you have (oily, dry, sensitive, or combination) before determining what cleansers would work best for you!


2. Moisturize Regularly

As intimidating as it can be applying moister on your acne-prone skin, doing so will effectively help you get rid of those pesky pimples.

If you don’t moisturize your skin regularly, you would be leaving yourself vulnerable to dryness and excessive oil buildups. Which, of course, welcomes acne with open arms. If you have extra sensitive skin, there are more medicated moisturizers that are oil-free, contain no fragrances, and carry the right SPF amount. The most important times to moisturize your face are in the morning after waking up and at night before you go to bed. It’s a good idea to moisturize after long showers or baths due to all the hot water stripping away your natural oils, which leaves your skin dry and parched.


3. Foods to Avoid

Believe it or not, you are what you eat, and unfortunately, what you eat is what your acne loves!

Carbohydrates are candy to your pimples, and the more you consume, the more they’ll want. Try to distance yourself from anything containing too much sugar, dairy, or grease – while this task can be difficult, it’s not impossible (I believe in you!)

Chocolate has also been rumored to cause acne, but no known cases have proven this theory. However, several informal surveys have claimed to notice an increase over the years, according to



4. Cover Your Face

Cover. Your. Face. 


Need I say more?

Exposing your skin to the sun’s rays can dry out your skin, causing short term damage, but will cause more in the future if not taken care of immediately. While too much sun exposure can cause your skin to produce more oil. In return, this will clog your pores trapping more dirt and debris. It can also increase your risk of developing cancer, so make sure you put on plenty of sunblock before ever leaving the house!


5. Rest and Relaxation

While stress itself isn’t the main cause for that sudden outbreak of acne, the oil stimulating hormones produced by it is really the one to blame. The older you get, the more stressful life can be. That’s why young adults fall victim to acne outbreaks despite already having gone through puberty. If not dealt with ahead of time, stress oils can also cause you premature signs of aging and wrinkles, so make sure to put aside some time for yourself for at least an hour a day to get some good rest.

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6. Don’t Touch Your Face

Your hands are full of grime and bacteria that you subconsciously pick up while idly going about your day. Touching your face will only transfer those impurities onto your skin, causing your pores to clog and build up. Unfortunately, touching your face is an act we regularly commit without ever knowing it. However, it would still be in your best interest to keep an eye on how often you do so.

7. Never Pick at Your Pimples

Absolutely never try to pop or pick at your acne. Doing so can cause acne scars, bleeding, inflammation, or an infection. As tempting as it may be to physically remove those whiteheads yourself, you must resist. Other consequences to doing so are very similar to what will happen if you continuously touch your face!


8. Maintain Proper Hygiene

Keep yourself fresh and active to help stay away from those acne inducing problems! Regularly wash your clothes, undergarments, hats, and other fabrics that regularly attract dirt and bacteria. This includes making sure that your pillowcases and bed sheets are changed at least once every other week. It’s also mandatory that you make sure you properly clean yourself up daily, especially by washing your hair, hands, and brushing your teeth. The more impurities you manage to keep away, the better it is for your skin!


9. Apply Heat to Your Skin

Applying heat to your skin once or twice a week will allow your pores to open up and draw out any buildup dirt or crust buildup. Doing this will also reduce any pain and redness you might have as the warmth dilates your blood vessels and increase circulation. Which will nourish and deliver more oxygen to your skin, ultimately giving it a natural, healthier glow. Using warm towels or face cloths can easily provide you the warmth you need. However, there are facial heating pads you can use that are just as effective.

10. Drink Plenty of Water

Keeping yourself well hydrated is already important enough as it is. But doing so can also soften your skin, reduce puffiness under the eyes, clear inflammation, flush out containment, and replenish your energy. Drinking plenty of water will also help your body build up the immunity and toxins it needs to fight back against the bacteria responsible for your acne.



Have acne reducing secrets of your own you would like to share? Well, we would love to hear all about it! Leave a comment down below and share your story!