Categories: Health & Fitness

Easy Everyday Hacks To Lessen Your Chance of Getting Coronavirus

The coronavirus is probably drilled into your head by now. It’s all over social media, and it is plastered everywhere on the news. You probably can’t even run some errands without overhearing people talking about it. Well, the good news is, there ARE a few strategies you can utilize to take preventative measures, and lessen your chances of contracting the virus. Apply these tips to seasonal influenza as well! Let’s get started!

1. Wash Your Hands… A LOT

Ok, this tip may have been d0ne to death already, but hey, it does hold value. You can never wash your hands TOO much. If you work in customer service, like I unfortunately do, you’ll find that people can be very ignorant. I find myself constantly telling people to please back up, and request that they do not touch me. It is ridiculous, yes, but some people just don’t have common sense. Usually, it is the elderly that come off so fearless. Long story short, you need to wash your hands a lot, especially when you deal with the public. You never know what someone else has been exposed to, and you can never be too cautious. Reports from the CDC have consistently stated that frequent hand washing kills the bacteria and germs that may lead to the virus. Wash up! 

2. Wipe Down Everything

Likewise with hand washing, wiping everything down limits the spread of bacteria and germs living on the surface. Wipe things down that are frequently touched, like bathroom sinks, kitchen counters, cell phones, etc. Although Lysol and other cleaning wipes may be sold out at local stores, you can still use hand soap on a napkin if you are unable to get cleaning wipes. This trick can really be helpful! Being more mindful about simple everyday things without panicking can really be more beneficial. 

3. Social Distancing

This may sound slightly funny, and it is an odd term. When it comes to the coronavirus, the truth is, none of us know enough information about it to determine how serious it is, how fatal, or how easily it spreads. No matter how many news articles we read or videos we watch, the virus is still recent and we are all struggling to debunk facts vs myths. With that being said, it is a good idea to practice social distancing. Where I work, people do not seem to understand this concept. Elderly people are the worst offenders. No offence, but if you are standing so close to me that I can smell your breath, it may be time to take a step back. The CDC recommends standing as far as 3 feet away from someone, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. So, don’t feel awkward for telling someone to please back up from you. Everyone has a right to want to maintain their personal space. It is called personal space for a reason, and you have every right to want to keep yourself healthy!

4. Exercise

When it comes to the coronavirus, or any virus, getting exercise and plenty of fresh air serves as a natural remedy no matter what. I have read extensively on this subject, and exposure to sunlight, fresh air, and light exercise can be the best thing you can do for your body. Consider going for a light jog or walk around your neighborhood. Not to mention that a lot of people who are taking cautionary measures are quarantining themselves, and everyone can use a walk outside. 

5. Get Plenty Of Rest

I hope this doesn’t sound like a cliche, because getting plenty of sleep every night is one of the best ways to prevent these types of viruses. Coronavirus is fairly new, and we don’t know much about it. Getting enough rest is such a good rule of thumb to generally practice and is essential for your overall well being and health. It is suggested that the majority of adults get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Lack of sleep can lower your ability to fight off illnesses, like the coronavirus. Consider putting all electronics and technology away an hour earlier the normal time you’d be getting ready for bed. Even if you start getting ready for bed 20 minutes earlier, it can make a big difference in how much sleep you get.

See Also

6. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is essential during cold and flu season. Staying hydrated fuels your body, and limits your likelihood of getting sick. If you are someone who just doesn’t like the taste of plain water, (no judgment), grab some lemons, limes, watermelon, or oranges, and cut a few slices to put in your water bottle. Take the water bottle with you in the car, to school, work, or even around the house. Make a consistent effort to drink more water and your body will thank you for the rest! 

7. Eat Well

You may have heard this growing up, and promoting healthy eating is always crammed in our heads. It is true, though. The more fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats you eat, you are decreasing your chances of getting the coronavirus as well as other illnesses. Foods such as fruits and vegetables that are very high in vitamin C, E, and high in fiber, are the ones you should be looking for. Also look for ‘superfoods’, like kale and blueberries. Bring baby carrots and cut up celery to work or school for a snack, that way you will be more likely to snack on them. 

When it comes to the coronavirus, it can be scary knowing that there are so many unknowns and uncertainties. Staying healthy and taking the necessary precautions are the most important things you can do. I hope this article was helpful to you, and remember, don’t panic about this virus, even though I know it is easier said than done. Which tip was your favorite? Comment below, and thank you all for reading!

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Nicole Walsh

Senior at UMass Dartmouth with a minor in communications, writing has always been a part of me. I believe writing is a powerful form of self-expression, and I couldn't have found an internship more aligned with my goals to pursue a career in this field.

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