15 Easy DIY Christmas Gifts For Anyone On Your List

Easy DIY christmas gifts are perfect gift ideas around the holidays. And since the holiday season is right around the corner, it’s time to get those Christmas stockings and tree trimmings ready. Hang up those lights you’ve had since 1990 to light the way of the carolers signing down every block and street. Finally, break out your list of gift ideas. Even if you’re the kind of person to wait until the last minute, don’t worry! I’m here to help you pull together something great. Keep reading for 15 easy DIY christmas gifts that will melt the hearts of your loved ones – because let’s face it, it is the thought that counts.
1. A Card
Let’s start with the simplest present. You can always give the gift of thoughtful sentences and mentions – the perfect go-to for any holiday. Snip out relevant words of wisdom from a book you both love, shape it into a Christmas tree, and BOOM, you have the most heartwarming gift you can give. You can even add a little poem inside. I mean, who doesn’t like a poem here and there.
2. A Home Cooked Meal
You can also make them their favorite dinner….they do say the key to a person’s heart is through their stomach. There is nothing like some good food to make someone smile from ear to ear, especially during the holidays. Just thinking about the stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans makes my mouth water. Yummy meals always make such easy DIY christmas gifts!
3. A Picture Frame
For all the Picassos and aspiring artists out there; let your creativity flow. When I was a kid, I used to make fences from Popsicle sticks. Now that we’re a little more grown up, why not use those same Popsicle sticks to create a picture frame. The kid-friendly material will definitely bring back some memories, along with whatever picture you choose to put inside – talk about a stroll down memory lane!
4. A DIY Scarf
Ever had a knitted scarf or sweater? Kind of like those ugly sweaters that grandma used to give you when you were 5? Time to pay back the favor. If you just so happen to know how to knit, have at it! If not, (let’s be real here) follow this easy tutorial on how to make a two-toned scarf from t-shirts!
5. A Christmas CD
Were you blessed with the voice of an angel? Are you a master of the keys? Use these talents to your advantage and give the gift of music this year. It’s gifts like this that make parents proud. All those hours of playing the same song over and over again, it’s finally perfected and ready for the world to hear. Or if you aren’t musically inclined, make them a mix tape you know they’d love. Don’t forget to customize the CD jackets when you’re making these DIY gifts!
6. A Bouquet
IF (and pretty much only if) you happen to live in a part of the world where the holidays don’t come equipped with an onslaught of snow, consider making an impromptu bouquet out of the flowers in your yard. Just a few plucks here and there and VOILA, you have a beautiful set of flowers that will make mom so happy. Let’s just hope she doesn’t check the backyard for the next few days.
7. A Homemade Movie
Not only does a homemade movie make a great gift, but the whole family will enjoy watching it during the holiday gathering! Grandma’s always talking about how you’re the tech king of the family, why not showcase your skills? It’s as easy as gathering a bunch of old photos and adding a transitional effect on a program such as iMovie. This is one of the cutest easy DIY christmas gifts you can make!
8. Ornaments
With all this talk of tree trimmings, I almost forgot about ornaments. You can paint and personalize your own ornament from arts and craft materials. Paint your favorite animals, food, or even a picture of your family celebrating the holidays. They make great diy gifts that can be used every year!
9. Linen Spray
For a practical DIY gift, make your own linen spray to keep your loved one’s house smelling clean and fresh all season long with this easy homemade linen spray tutorial. Customize the smell to whatever you think they’d like!
10. A Mug
For all the coffee/tea lovers; a mug makes for one of the best diy gifts. With just the right touch, it can be the best personalized gift that they receive all year. You can even add a touching poem inside to add that extra sentimental oomph. This tutorial uses tissue paper and Mod Podge to create the cutest mug ever!
11. A Coupon Book
A gift that is good for just about anyone is a coupon book, since you can cater it specifically to each person’s interest. Include things from breakfast in bed, to a massage to a free hug. As cliché as it is, it’s still a great gift!
12. Jewelry
For anyone who appreciates fashion, consider making them a piece of jewelry that’s not only stylish, but guaranteed to be one of a kind! This incredibly easy tutorial explains how to create bracelets out of a t-shirt!
13. Room Decor
For the creative mind, you can make custom art décor for their room or home. It’s as simple as cutting out some construction paper, or slabbing some paint onto a canvas and popping it into a nice frame. The beauty with art is that it’s all subjective – so even if you don’t have talent…well, you actually do!
14. Oil Diffuser
Again, a great last minute option that will keep their house smelling ah-may-zing. There are a few special items you need to complete this DIY gift, check out the full tutorial here.
15. Luggage Tags
If you’re in need of a gift for the frequent traveler, how about a homemade luggage tag? A couple pieces of leather and a permanent marker – you’ve got yourself unique, thoughtful, and pretty trendy diy gifts!
What are some of your favorite DIY gifts? Let us know down below! And if you didn’t find anything here, here are more cute DIY gifts to check out!
Feature image source: and storenvy.com
Which one of these easy DIY christmas gifts is your fave? Let us know in the comments!
Rajeeb is currently a student at Florida A&M University hailing from Fort Pierce, FL but residing in Tallahassee, FL. He is an aspiring entrepreneur who is in the process of greatness.