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10 Easy Courses At The University Of Iowa

10 Easy Courses At The University Of Iowa

There are a ton of easy courses at the University of Iowa. Whether you’re looking for a GPA boost, or it’s your senior year and you want to take something completely different, we have the courses for you. Keep reading for these easy courses, general ed. edition.

1. Elements of Art (ARTS:1010) : 3 semester hour

A drawing  is due every week and a presentation every 2 weeks. There is no exam, but a portfolio is due at the end of the semester!

2. Element of digital photography (ARTS:1060): 3 semester hour

There is an assignment due every 2 weeks and there is no exam. THe only thing that is due is a short story at the end of the semester. Attendance is mandatory for this class!



3. The first year Japanese (JPNS:1002): 5 semester hour

There are no more than two assignments every week with a quiz every 2-3 weeks.Quiz: There is a midterm and a final, so be ready to take exams. Attendance for this class is mandatory.

4. Creative writing (CW:1800): 3 semester hour

Homework every week on peer reviewing other people’s writing and individual essays/poems are also required. There a short quizzes and readings throughout the semester. There is no exam, but there is a portfolio due at the end of the semester. Attendance for this class is mandatory!


5. Physics everyday experience (PHYS:1200): 3 semester hour

The assignment is either online or 5-10 homework due on paper per week. There is a quiz usually every two weeks. There is a midterm and a final to keep in mind. Attendance is mandatory for this class.


6. History of jazz (MUS:1720): 3 semester hour

There are weekly essays and readings due for this class, so be ready to read and write. There is a midterm and a final exam that are based on songs. Attendance is done at random around 5 times per semester.



7. Recital attendance for non-major (Mus:1010): 1 semester hour


You have to attend 11 rehearsals otherwise nothing else is required for this class, not even attendance.

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8. Intermediate Jazz (DANC:2020): 2 semester hour


This course is based off of your final performance with no exam.


9. Element of Jewlery and metal arts (ARTS:1030): 3 semester hour


Attendance is mandatory and your grade is based off of making jewelry.

10. Voice for non-major (MUS:1020): 1 semester hour



There is a final performance, otherwise there are no assignments or exams. Attendance for this class is mandatory!

Which easy courses at the University of Iowa are your favorite? Comment below!
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