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10 Easy Courses at North Carolina State University

10 Easy Courses at North Carolina State University

10 Easy Courses at North Carolina State University

We can all agree that college is freaking tough. You deserve a break and you deserve an easy class, so it’s time to boost your GPA, baby! Here are some easy courses at North Carolina State University.

1. BUS 360: Marketing Methods

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Helps your grade point while looking good on your course list; just pay attention to vocabulary!

2. ENG 101: Academic Writing & Research

This class is required for all students. Four papers are assigned and peer edited—take this class your first semester and you won’t regret it.


3. ENG 209: Introduction to Shakespeare

If you like Shakespeare and literature, this class will be enjoyable and easy for you.

4. ENG 214: Introduction to Editing

Professor Hunter-Pillion genuinely cares about her students. This is a great class for anyone who wants to write better!



5. MIE 201: Introduction to Business

Here’s another introductory class. We are all way too smart for these ~eye roll~

6. ES 100: Introduction to Environmental Sciences

This class is easy as pie—if you do your work then you’re destined for an A.

7. STS 210: Women & Gender in Science and Technology

Literally forum based discussions and only a few projects. Men, take this class!

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8. PSY 311: Social Psychology

Don’t we know how to interact socially already?



9. USC 202: Career Exploration & Development

All about your career goals. If you want to learn more about yourself while getting an easy A+, here you go.

10. SOC 202: Principles of Sociology

This class is fun, interesting and well, easy. What more can you want?

What have been your easiest courses at North Carolina State University?
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