10 Easy Courses at North Carolina State University

We can all agree that college is freaking tough. You deserve a break and you deserve an easy class, so it’s time to boost your GPA, baby! Here are some easy courses at North Carolina State University.
1. BUS 360: Marketing Methods
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Helps your grade point while looking good on your course list; just pay attention to vocabulary!
2. ENG 101: Academic Writing & Research
This class is required for all students. Four papers are assigned and peer edited—take this class your first semester and you won’t regret it.
3. ENG 209: Introduction to Shakespeare
If you like Shakespeare and literature, this class will be enjoyable and easy for you.
4. ENG 214: Introduction to Editing
Professor Hunter-Pillion genuinely cares about her students. This is a great class for anyone who wants to write better!
5. MIE 201: Introduction to Business
Here’s another introductory class. We are all way too smart for these ~eye roll~
6. ES 100: Introduction to Environmental Sciences
This class is easy as pie—if you do your work then you’re destined for an A.
7. STS 210: Women & Gender in Science and Technology
Literally forum based discussions and only a few projects. Men, take this class!
8. PSY 311: Social Psychology
Don’t we know how to interact socially already?
9. USC 202: Career Exploration & Development
All about your career goals. If you want to learn more about yourself while getting an easy A+, here you go.
10. SOC 202: Principles of Sociology
This class is fun, interesting and well, easy. What more can you want?
What have been your easiest courses at North Carolina State University?
Featured image source: ise.ncsu.edu

Marketing major, Journalism minor @ North Carolina State University. From the slow-paced military town of Goldsboro, NC. Lover of beaches, mermaids & fried foods. Bat mother.