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10 Easy Courses at Iowa State University

10 Easy Courses at Iowa State University

A Ranking Of The Best and Worst Books Read In High School

Whether you are a current Iowa State student or an incoming freshman, you can appreciate this list of 10 easy courses at Iowa State University. I mean, who doesn’t love an easy A? I know I do.

1. Sociology 134: Introduction to Sociology

Need an easy A and never have to go to class? Then this is the one for you. No attendence and easy content. This class works a little differently than others in that there is a certain amount of points to achieve to get an A. This means that you get to pick and choose what projects and even tests you take and once you reach the amount of points, you have an A!

2. JLMC 101: Mass Media and Society

I am currently taking this class and I can promise you, it’s easy. You can skip almost every single class and never take notes, and still get A’s on the test. How? The professor sends out a question pool before every test, so memorize the answers and you’re golden. Oh, and there are only a handful of assignments, sounds pretty easy right?



3. Dance 270: Dance Appreciation

A class all about appreciating dance? Sign me up! Seems like a pretty easy, and fun, way to get an A.

4. PR 220: Introduction to Public Relations

Even if you are not a public relations major, this class is an easy way to gain a few social science credits for those gen ed’s. Attendance is optional, pretty simple content, and the only assignments consist of one weekly question to answer (in only 100 words I will add).


5. HRI 383: Introduction to Wine, Beer, and Spirits

A class dedicated to learning about, oh, and then drinking alcohol. There may be some work involved, but any college course you get to drink is a good thing. Only downside is that you have to be 21. But hey, if you ever need a class to fill some credits don’t look past this one.

6. Any 100 level Kinesiology course

These courses are all introduction to sports such as soccer, tennis, bowling, swimming, and plenty more. If you enjoyed gym in high school, this is a perfect, and easy, way to gain some credits.


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7. RELIG 205: Introduction to World Religions

This class may not be quite as easy as other ones on this list, but it is a good way to get rid of that pesky international diversity credit that is required of all students at Iowa State University. As long as you put in some work and show up to class (depending on the professor)  an A is inevitable.

8. COMST 101: Introduction to Communications Studies

The only requirements this class has is a syllabus quiz in the beginning, four tests and 10 research credits out of class. Don’t freak at the ‘out of the class’ work, because you really don’t even need to go to class in the first place and the content of this course is pretty simple. Another easy way to gain some social science gen ed credits.


9. PSYCH 280: Social Psychology

I have never heard anything bad about this class. This class does not require psych 101 as a prereq, which a lot of psych classes do. It is all about human behavior in social context, which is interesting and not too challenging.

10. PHIL 230: Moral Theory and Practice

Personally, I find philosophy classes very interesting and not too difficult. This is one of the easiest philosophy courses at Iowa State and is an easy way to get three Arts and Humanities credits.

If you enjoy sleeping and Netflix over going to class but still want that A to boost your GPA, I hope this list of easy courses at Iowa State University helps!!!
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