10 Easy Courses At Indiana University

Are you looking to take a few easy courses at Indiana University? Whether you’re entering into your freshman year or your last semester, EVERYONE needs a “blow off” course every now and then. Personally, I struggled picking a 1-credit to fill out my schedule because I’m not really good at anything. Yeah, I danced when I was little and went to art camp in elementary school, but I sucked at pretty much all of it. If you have that same problem, or you’re just looking for an easy course, this article’s for you!
1. Bowling SPH-I 117
Yep. That’s a class. Turns out, there’s a bowling alley in Indiana Memorial Union, right in the middle of campus! (Actually you can bowl for free on Friday nights, it’s actually kinda fun?) Bowling is attendance-based with a couple quizzes. These quizzes are open book and you can use your phone if you don’t know the answer for how many points a strike is worth. (For further instruction, check out Intermediate Bowling SPH-I 217. Somehow this bowling is harder than regular bowling?)
2. Jewish Cooking JSTU-P 180
This class is described as “practical in nature” and is scheduled for once a week for an hour in the afternoon. When you enter it into IU Grade Distribution (bless this program, ammirite?), every single class has a 100% rate for giving A’s. Plus free food? There’s not much more to say than that.
3. Ballroom and Social Dance SPH-I 109
You’re going to have to do it for your wedding anyways, may as well do it now. It’s like cotillion, ya know, your mom forced you to go learn to dance in middle school, but this time with boys who aren’t socially awkward… supposedly.
In fact, any class that starts with SPH-I is an “activity class” and is probably easy. Just make sure not to pick a 9am dance class. Even though you’ve danced for 5 years, you WILL NOT want to get out of bed at 9 on a Monday morning and then you’ll have to write a page on Bob Fosse and 2 pages on The Nutcracker… or so I assume.
4. Speech COLL-P155
Ok so this is an actual class. Every freshman has to take an “Oral Expression” class and I HIGHLY suggest this one! You give around 4 speeches in the semester, all under 5 minutes, and they’re over whatever you want to research. Pretty much everyone gets an A or a B as long as you show up and give your speeches.
5. Intro to Theatre THTR-T 100
It’s like Acting 101 without actually having to act. You learn about theaters, plays, directors, and actors. An easy 3 credits and I’m sure you’ll meet some very fun and interesting friends. (As a previous theatre kid I can say that.)
6. Intro to Music Theory MUS-Z 111
Alright so this counts as an A&H credit (which you need 2 of to complete your Gen Eds) and I was NOT about to take Roman Culture or some other torturous lecture. In this class you’ll learn how to read music and how to compose/harmonize a piece.
More importantly: NO WRITTEN FINAL EXAM! Only a final composition! Dr. Chris Renk, while a little odd, is actually a good professor and I easily got an A without going to office hours. Warning: Jacobs kids are REALLY proud that they’re Jacobs kids.
7. Psychology PSY-P101
Again with the Gen Eds. Psych 1 counts as a natural science, which you need 2 of. Its relatively easy compared to some of the other sciences that require a lab or a really long lecture. In fact, I took this class online (with Ben Motz, he’s the bomb) and the hardest part was actually remembering to complete the lessons. There isn’t a lecture or anything, you just read a couple paragraphs and answer 3ish questions, so it’s easily forgettable.
8. Communication in the Classroom EDUC-G203
For all the education majors, most of you will have to take this, but never fear! It’s a piece of cake! Learn how to talk to children in a classroom setting, touching on counseling and guidance. The average GPA is somewhere around a 3.8 for this class!
9. Career Perspectives BUS-X220
Calling all business majors! Hey Kelley Kids, we know you have to do I-CORE. Shut up. No one cares. This class is an I-CORE pre-req, but don’t worry, it’s actually one of the pretty easy ones. If you don’t know what I-CORE is… oh you poor poor soul. Maybe it’s not too late to change your major??
10. Introduction to the Study of Language
Soooo this is for all the theory kids out there. This linguistics course outlines the relation between words and meaning, sentences and thought, and language in humans and animals. Apparently that is interesting to some people? And apparently this class is easy? Good luck?
So that’s it! Here are what I believe to be 10 of the easiest courses at Indiana University Bloomington. You’ve got some 1-credit electives, some classes specific to individual majors, and some pre-reqs. Have fun! Keep those GPAs high and your Hoosier Pride even higher (Boiler Down)!