8 Easy and Safe Steps To Trim Your Hair At Home

Being in quarantine can be rough on your hair especially if you frequently get it colored or cut. A lot of people try home remedies for coloring their own hair or buying products online. Others have been trying out new hairstyles and cuts for the moment. Unfortunately, trying online haircut trends can give you unsuccessful results. If you are going to cut your own hair, you are going to want to do it in a proper way that will lead you to having a great new cut. Don’t worry, you do not need to have all of the fancy products your hairdresser uses on you. These steps will save you money and time. I’m here to help you learn how to successfully trim your hair at home!
1.Gather All Of the Correct Materials
In order to give yourself a professional looking haircut, you will need the proper equipment. This will consist of a hair brush, spray bottle, water, scissors, hair elastics, hair clips, and a hair dryer. If you don’t own a pair of the special scissors made for haircuts, a regular pair will do the job as long as they are sharp and clean! All of these will make it so easy to trim your hair at home! You can easily find some of this laying around your house but if not, They are very cheap to order online.
2. Brush Out Your Hair
If you have straight or curly hair, brushing it out is the first step to giving yourself a professional looking haircut. If you do not brush your hair, it could be tangled which can throw off the measurements when you are about to cut it. Using a comb, lightly comb through all of your hair until the tangles are out. This will make all of the other steps ten times easier!
3. Wet Your Hair
In this step, you do not want to soak your hair. All you have to do is get a spray bottle and lightly spray your hair so it is damp all over. This is a technique that a hairstylist will use to cut a clients hair. This will detangle your hair even more and make it fall evenly which makes it easier to cut. This step is especially important if you have curly hair since it will help to straighten pieces to make a more even cut. It is a lot easier to do this in your bathroom over a sink for less of a mess!
4. Section Your Hair Off
This step is extremely important. You are gong to want to section your hair off with hair elastics or clips. This is mostly important for those of you with thick hair. You do not want to cut your hair all at once because this can create pieces to fall unevenly. You do not want to be that girl who sectioned off the wrong hair and accident cut the wrong pieces unevenly. That would be a hair nightmare! You are going to want to section off the top section the back and sides, then the underneath parts. If you have bang, then you will want to section them all together. This might look silly, but trust me you are going to need to do this for a great hair cut!
5. Measure The Amount You Want To Cut
You need to determine how much you would like to cut your hair. If it is just an inch, then you need to measure that out in the section of hair you are cutting. You can estimate using your fingers and use them as a guide to cut along. Even a ruler can be a major help in getting a precise cut. You should only be measuring a thin section of hair for each cut to get an accurate length. Do one section at a time and time your time you do not want to mess the length up..
6. Cut
This is obviously the part where you need to be the most careful! You want all of your har to be evenly cut which means you will need to have something guiding you. This could easily be your fingers making sure you get a straight cut. If you are looking to do angles, angle your fingers in the right direction and cut that way. Use something flat that will help guide you in a straight line. Nothing is worse than having uneven pieces. If you are cutting a large section of hair off and going for a shorter look, you will be able to section your hair off in a ponytail and then cut right under the elastic giving you the length you will like. After this step, you can even off the ends. Using these steps for cutting will make it so easy to trim your hair at home!
7.Blow Dry
After you have completed cutting your hair, you will want to blow dry it all out! Once it is all dry you will be able to see the final results better. If it seems like you missed a spot or it looks uneven, it is a perfect opportunity to go back and cut that piece. You can even put your favorite hair product in your hair and treat it lie you are a t a real salon! Your hair will come out smelling and feeling so refreshed!
8. Review
Now that you have completed your at home haircut, its time to review it! You should separate you har back into thing sections and compare the lengths. If they are even then congratulations! You have successfully given yourself a professional looking hair cut. You can now save money on going to the salon or maybe try giving family member and friends haircuts too! You can now show off your new locks and do this all the time! These eight steps will have you trimming your hair from home all the time!