10 Easy Ab Workouts You Can Do At Home

We all know that the midsection of our bodies can be the hardest to tone up, regardless of how many ab workouts you do a day. However, if you practice a clean diet and pair that with these ab workouts, you’ll be amazed by the results. It’s time to get fit with these easy ab workouts that you can do at home!
1. Twisted Mountain Climber
Mountain climbers, believe it or not, are actually full-body workouts! They get your heart rate up rather quickly, all the while working your biceps, triceps, chest, abdominals, quads, obliques, the list goes on. To add a little bit of a twist (no pun intended) to the original exercise, you can alternate by drawing your right knee to your left elbow and your left knee to your right elbow.
And the quicker you move your legs, the harder it will get yet the more you’ll start to feel the burn in your core. Make sure you keep your core engaged and back flat at all times.
2. Plank
This classic ab workout is great for helping to maintain good posture while strengthening your core at the same time. To do a plank, place your palms flat out on the floor in front of you and raise your hips to extend your legs behind you, making sure your tailbone is tucked in and your core and glutes are fully engaged. Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer.
3. Bicycle Crunch
The bicycle crunch is without a doubt one of the most beneficial and easy ab workouts you can do. With the several muscles that it engages, your core is going to be on fire once you finish up your sets. To do this workout, lie flat on your back with both hands on the side of your head, making sure not to pull on your neck at any time. Straighten your right leg while turning your body to the left, bringing your left elbow to your right knee.
Do the same with your right elbow, bringing it to your left knee while simultaneously straightening your left leg. Continue alternating sides and work at a steady pace if you need to. This is an ab workout that can be done in a slower manner in order to perfect form, so there’s no need to move quickly or rush through it.
4. Leg Raise
Easy ab workouts have never been more simple. For this one, lie faceup on your back with your legs extended, arms resting by your sides on the floor. Slowly lift your legs up, keeping them straight until your butt comes off the ground.
If you find that you’re in need of some extra support, feel free to place your hands underneath your butt on each side. To finish, slowly lower your legs back down to the floor or slightly above the floor for more of a challenge.
5. Crab Toe Touch
Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you (knees bent) and your hands behind you with your fingers facing your body. Slowly lift your hips off the ground while kicking your right leg upward, your left hand raising to touch your right foot.
Go back to the starting position so that you can do the same with your left leg and right hand, alternating between the two. You’ll definitely feel the burn with this one!
6. V Sit-Ups
This twist on a regular sit-up is perfect if you’re always looking for easy ab workouts that target all of your abdominal muscles. It can be a little tricky for beginners though, so some practice might be necessary. Start by sitting in an upward seated position with your arms and legs raised. C
ontract your abs while lifting your legs up to form a “v shape,” keeping your back straight to maintain good posture. Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat this several times.
7. Scissor To Crunch Switch
Easy ab workouts can be hard but the more you change them up, the more exciting they can be. For this one, place your hands behind your head and steadily begin to scissor-kick your legs, extending your right leg forward with your left leg up. While holding this position, begin to do ab crunches (only two or three) towards the top of the leg you have extended. Alternate between both legs and repeat for as long as you’d like.
8. Warrior Balance
This exercise challenges your balance, which may or may not make it a bit tough to complete for some. For the starting position, stand on your left foot and slowly lift your right knee, holding it at hip height in front of your body with your elbows bent. To complete the exercise, reach your arms forward while extending that right leg back, keeping your left leg standing slightly bent.
Your torso will become parallel to the floor. Pause for a moment and then reverse the movement to return to the starting position. This equals one rep, so feel free to complete as many as you’d like with each leg until you feel as though you challenged yourself enough.
9. Pulse Ups
Lie flat on your back with your hands either beside you or underneath your butt. Begin by lifting your legs until they are completely vertical, this is the starting position. Start to raise your hips while squeezing your glutes together and engaging your core, pushing your legs directly upwards. Once you finish raising your legs, hold them at the top for a second or two before coming back down to the starting position.
10. Toe-Touch Crunches
Last but not least, the simple yet extremely effective toe-touch crunch. Lie flat on your back, lifting both your legs and arms up so they are extended to the ceiling. Reach your hands toward your feet to touch them, remembering to exhale at this part of the exercise.
Then, slowly lower your torso and arms back down to the starting position with your arms still pointing at your toes. Repeat this to your desired amount of repetition.
We hope you enjoyed reading through these easy ab workouts! Let us know your favorites in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/776167317000934883/
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