What To Do The First Time You’re Offered Drugs In College

The difference between high school and college is the atmosphere and the people we choose to associate ourselves with. In high school, either you had the whole school at your heels or you had the whole school not knowing who you really were. In college, and as a freshman, there’s a chance to change that. However, while you change as a person, there will be those who try to throw you off your game. College is like the real world and with that comes real experiences. A lot of people tend to get mix into drugs and substance abuse in college. This is what to do if you are offered drugs in college for the first time!
1. Run away screaming
Literally just avoid all further communication with that person and just run for your life. This is the easiest and maybe the safest route to take.
2. Say “no”
This is the most popular method to avoiding drugs. Just respond to the offer by saying, “meh, no thanks.” You could continue the conversation by explaining why and your stance on the drug issue. But let’s just be honest, simply saying “no” would suffice.
3. Get background information on the drugs
Where did these drugs come from? What IS this drug? What would it do to me? (Besides kill me later)? Ask these questions, think about it, then say no.
4. Why are you offering this to ME? An impressionable freshman??
Not that only freshmen get offered drugs. But freshmen are, indeed, more impressionable. Ask why me?
5. Ask yourself, “what would Jesus do?”
On a serious note, drugs in college and drugs in the real world are no joke. It is understood that students in college experiment with things, but drugs are nothing to play with. One time can get a person hooked for a long time. College is fun, but fun without drugs is the best way to go. Everyone say it together. JUST. SAY. NO.
Did you or a friend have any experience with drugs in college!? Share in the comments below
Featured Image: weheartit

Mass Communications major with a dream to follow.