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10 Drinks To Order At Dunkin Donuts

10 Drinks To Order At Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin Donuts is always my go-to if I want a no-frills, good quality coffee. Don’t be fooled, though. Dunkin Donuts has some secret gems that will give Starbucks “Secret Menu” a run for its money! Dunkin Donuts gives me more relaxed vibes than Starbucks does, so try your luck with the secret menu here! 

Secret Menu drinks are almost always a pain to order, so I’ll give some tips for some really simple, yummy drinks, and even give a little tip on how I order really annoyingly long drinks in an easier way to make like better for you and your barista! If you’re like me, everything you’ve ever known leaves your brain when the barista asks you what your order is, so we’ll try and clear that up a bit to save some public humiliation! 

Here are some really fun and delicious drinks to order at Dunkin Donuts! These are crazy, let’s go! 


1. Hazelnut Mocha 

This one is super easy to order and tastes delicious iced or hot! I prefer everything iced, so I would definitely recommend the cold option for this one, but it’ll still give you a warm feeling inside! Order an iced coffee with a mocha flavor swirl and a hazelnut flavor shot. Not too difficult to say when you’re put in the spot in the driveway! 

2. Toasted French Vanilla

Another incredibly easy order that won’t make you tongue-tied or make the barista hate you for ordering! Again, I recommend ordering this one iced. Order an iced coffee with a shot of french vanilla, a shot of toasted almond, and almond milk. Not only is this one delicious, its even a healthy alternative because of the almond milk! Enjoy this on guilt-free! Add some cream if you don’t care about feeling guilty, and enjoy!


3. Frozen Snickers Bar

This one is seasonal, as it is made with one of the limited Girl Scouts flavors, but jump on this as soon as they’re back in season. It’s THAT good. This is a blended drink, so it’s only available cold. You’re going to order Girl Scouts Peanut Butter Cookie frozen chocolate with a shot of caramel, and caramel swirl. This one is a bit more annoying to order, but my trick for ordering the more intricate drinks is to do it on the app or online, so the barista can have a bit more time to make it and you can just swing through the drive-through and pick it up!


4. Nutella Frozen Chocolate

Another blended drink that puts a nutty twist on a frozen hot chocolate. Dunkin Donuts’ frozen hot chocolate is incredible on its own, and I highly recommend trying if you haven’t! For the Nutella frozen hot chocolate, order a frozen hot chocolate with a hazelnut flavor swirl, and whipped cream. I personally really don’t love whipped cream, so I skip it. But, by all means, get the full experience! But it is great without it, too.

5. Frozen Black and White

This is my favorite of all of the blended drinks. This one is SUPER easy to order, too! Just ask for a frozen hot chocolate blended with a vanilla bean coolatta! Your barista might give you a glare or two but who cares! You’re paying for this delicious drink and they’re getting paid to make it. Be bold! Odds are they won’t remember you the next time you walk in. 


6. Monster Energy Shot

There is no special order for this one, the barista should just know what it is by name. Basically, its just a bunch of espresso shots in a small coffee cup. This will most definitely wake you up on your way to school or work and keep you energized all throughout your long day. Be careful, though! This is a HUGE shot of espresso! Maybe order a bagel or a donut so all oft hat caffeine doesn’t burn a literal hole in your stomach! Just a little suggestion!


7. Chocolate Covered Raspberry Hot Chocolate

The classic hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts is the best on the market, don’t fight me on this. But imagine it with raspberry! For this, you’ll order a hot chocolate with a shot of raspberry and a shot of hazelnut. This drink is heavy and definitely more of a dessert than a drink, but delicious either way! 

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8. English Toffee Hot Chocolate 

Anything toffee has my heart, and this hot chocolate is no different! Another dessert-like order so preceded with caution! Order a salted-caramel hot chocolate with a flavor shot of french vanilla and a flavor shot of toasted almond! This is absolutely delicious and addicting! Try asking for it frozen in the summer. It is incredible. 

9. Nutella Surprise Iced Coffee

Much like toffee nut, Nutella is another flavor I simply cannot resist. This one is iced, obviously, but hazelnut always gives a warm feeling on the inside, doesn’t it? For the Nutella Surprise Iced Coffee, you’ll order an iced coffee with mocha flavor swirl and two shots of hazelnut. This is like drinking actual Nutella, only with some caffeine to make it even more loveable! 


10. Birthday Cake Coolatta

This is the craziest of all the drinks I have tried from Dunkin, but totally worth the crazy order. Buckle up, here we go. For this one, you’re going to order a vanilla bean coolatta with two pumps of hazelnut swirl, whipped cream, and donut sprinkles blended in. While there is not a lot to order for this drink, getting all of these ingredients together for this drink will be a pain for your barista, so please be kind! This will either excite your barista if they like their job or make them want to spit in your drink. But, personally, I think it’s worth the risk! They also might have a bit of mercy on you if you’re ordering this on your actual birthday! 


What is your favorite crazy drink to order at Dunkin Donuts? What is your go-to order? Let us know in the comments! 

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