Categories: Confessions

Double Teamed

So I was out at a club one night with my friend and we had been drinking but weren’t completely wasted. Her and I always have tons of fun and we usually get a lot of attention for it, but this time we promised we’d dance alone. Soon after she was already dancing with a super cute boy and I was left alone surrounded by old creeps! This somewhat cute boy starts dancing with me and I decide to go for it, considering it was either him or the other 40 year old creeps around me. But he became too insistent and was being very aggressive and touching me in places I did not want to be touched lol. So, when I caught this other cute guy eyeing me and hopefully noticing my annoyed face, I quickly told him to save me, and he tried pulling me away from the guy I was dancing with until I hear the boy behind me say “c’mon that’s my bro” and the guy I told to save me pushes himself up on me and tells me that they’re roommates and asks me to give them my number and that we could “chill” after, and I completely froze and in that moment I felt my buzz hit me like a truck! I told him no, and he was very sweet but insistent, he kept saying “it’ll be fun, you’re fine, c’mon” and I couldn’t comprehend. I still danced with both of them for a while bc c’mon they were HOT, but I was not down for the “chill” after. Then he tells the guy behind me “let’s switch” and they turn me around and the guy I’m now facing is significantly shorter than the other one, we end up making out but ew he was a terrible kisser, like why so much tongue?!?! But whatever I tried to keep my face away from him but he tried and at one point both of them were kissing my neck at each side and I don’t even know if it was the single most hottest feeling I’ve felt or the most disgusted and ashamed I’ve felt about myself?! But whatever, tall boy turns me around again and let me tell you, HE WAS SUCH A GOOD KISSER, but at that point my friend pulls me away and she’s like “are you ok? we need to go!” and I kinda didn’t want to go, but it was for the best. I don’t know how to feel?! Like I NEVER do this double teamed thing idk I don’t want to sound like a slut but it was fun?! Kinda?


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