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Dorm Room Wall Decor To Bring Some Life To Your Room

Dorm Room Wall Decor To Bring Some Life To Your Room

For the beginning of your life, you probably share your home with other people. Your parents would control the basic design and how everything is set up. Now it is your turn to be in control. Sure, you may have to share a room with a roommate, but that is still half of a home that belongs to you. You are allowed to call the shots so that you are comfortable in your new life. There are the basic essentials that you may need for your room, like an alarm clock and sheets. Then there are the necessities to make your room fun. You should make it clear that you are a resident of this dorm. The main way to do this is through wall decor. There is a variety of decorations that can be put on your wall and they all serve different purposes. In general, their main purpose is to make your dorm fun. All of these decorations will make your room exciting and get you ready for a joyful year.

1. Neon Smile

College should be a happy time in your life. However, things might not always be easy. When those difficult situations come in, you might need a reminder to keep your chin up. This bright smiley face is the wall decor that exudes happiness. It has a cheerful look that can fit any dorm room theme and is not specific to anyone. Everyone can use a smile. The glowing neon blue light also makes it different from a normal picture of a smile. It will help the room radiate with joy. It is a light that is bright enough to be noticeable, but not too bright that it is distracting when you turn the light off. Plus, the bright blue color is bright but is not too shocking. You should try to keep your chin up through college and make these years some happy times, so try to put something happy in your new home.


2. Wall Shelf

You will probably bring a lot with you to college, and you may buy a lot during college. That means that you should always have a place to put your stuff. You could always put it in a desk or in drawers, but sometimes you need to grab something quick. This shelf is the answer. This is a wall decor that is pretty and practical. You can place items like your keys or some small books there, so you can quickly take them if you are going to be on the go. Now not only does this serve as a shelf, but it also has some useful hooks. If you need to hang some jackets, scarves, or hats up, this is the place. If you need to rush out in the morning, you don’t have to worry about digging through your closet. Just grab what you need off the hook, and you are ready for the day. The brass coloring also adds some shininess to your space to give your wall some character. Be ready for any day with everything conveniently and cutely stored.

3. Full Length Mirror

There are many ways to try to stand out in college. One of those ways is by looking your best. Try to make every outfit look stylish, because you never know who you might see. This is especially true in the beginning of the year when you are still making first impressions. In order to make sure every look kills, you should know what you look like before you leave your dorm. This is why a floor length mirror is a piece of wall decor that is an absolute necessity. You should know what you look like from head to toe so that you know that everything matches and drapes properly. You may have to try multiple outfits in the morning, so you should look at each one to know which one is the one. If you think otherwise, then you might go out with your underwear sticking out and not knowing. A mirror like this will prepare you for everyday. Make every outfit count, and make sure you know for a fact that your outfits will count in the right way.


4. String Lights

Maybe you want to brighten up your walls and give them some character. That is the purpose that string lights serve. They help make sure that your room glows beautifully. They will also give your room a fairy aesthetic, like you are in a magical wonderland. You can use as much or as little of these lights as you want. Maybe you want just a little corner of your room to be special. Or maybe you want the whole wall to just shine all of the time. Or you could shape them just right to create a design, like a heart or a lightning bolt. The possibilities are endless, which speaks to the versatility of these lights. They are pieces of wall decor that makes your room a little more whimsical, living in the fairy land of your childhood. Looking at those lights could cheer you up as you think of a magical life. Put these lights up so that you can add some great energy and cheer to your dorm.

5. Destination Prints

We all have our dream vacation destinations. There are some places we daydream about visiting one day. Or it’s possible that you have already been on this dream vacation and you want to hold onto the happy memories. These prints give recognition to those dream vacation spots. From the Amalfi Coast to St Tropez, this is wall decor that can bring out some blissful thoughts. When you are sitting in your room doing homework, you can look up at the wall and imagine what it would be like to be relaxing on a beach. This comes in a set so you organize these wall prints in different ways, spreading them across your wall so there is happiness everywhere. You can create a theme of vacationing for your walls. All of these prints come in bright colors, like pink and yellow, so they can be cheerful even from a distance. You should try to liven up your dorm, and these art pieces will make you think of wishes or nice memories

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6. Garden Chain

How about something earthy for your room. If you are a nature lover, put up something that makes you feel close to nature. This is a piece of wall decor that helps with that goal. It will be like you are living in your own private garden. You can be in the great outdoors without having to lay on the dirt. Like the string lights, this garden chain can be used in many different ways. You can hang a little up in one section of your room, or you could hang the chain throughout your room like you are in a jungle. It is up to you and how much you want your room to feel natural. You can even keep with the theme by putting up pictures of the outdoors or other decorations shaped like flowers or plants. Or this could be the standout, as this is a bright green color that will certainly brighten up your walls. You should be able to have some fun with your new room and make it unique. Cater your room to your interests and be the nature queen of your dreams.

7. Sunset Tapestry

There are few things that are prettier than a sunset. The way the sky changes colors as the sun softly glows. It is a pretty image that shows that change can be good. That is what makes a sunset a great picture for a college dorm. This sunset tapestry is wonderful wall decor to create a colorful environment for your new home. The tapestry is a great medium for this picture as it makes the photo look natural, as opposed to crinkly paper. Plus, because this is cloth, it can be reused for years to come. There are a variety of colors in this sunset, from a warm orange to a cool purple. This gives your room a lot of color so that your wall can have some fun. The sunset is a great representation of your time in college. You are going from a comfortable bright sky to a risky night. Looking at this tapestry can help you think of how your new change may be scary, but it is just a part of life, And this picture is a change that looks very pretty.

8. Photo Grid

In the age of cell phones, physical photos are slowly dying out. That just means you should never miss opportunities where you can get a physical photo. You may be in a situation where someone has a polaroid, or you may be at an event with a photo booth. You should cherish these photos as they are little pieces of you. Then you can take these photos and hang them up on this photo grid. They can be organized any way that you want, depending on how many photos that you have. They can be spread apart or bunched together. Just a quick little pin on the grid, and your photo is on the wall. The wiring of this wall decor gives a fancy touch to give your room a modern look. These photos reflect meaningful moments of your life, maybe before college or maybe during college. Hanging these photos on your wall will remind you of these moments so that you can reflect on the important happy moments that got you to where you are now.
