A rug completes a room. It brings all the individual aspects together to create an…
If you are living in a dorm room, you will most definitely need a bedding…
It can be difficult transitioning from living at home to living at college. You’re more…
Game of Thrones has been around a long time. Since the late 90’s, actually, I…
Admittedly, one of the hardest parts of coming to college was leaving behind my bedroom…
The night before I moved into college for my freshman year, I slept for two…
College is always extremely exciting, with a new place to live in and having a…
Summer is winding down and its time to for college move-in day! You’re going to…
Growing up I have always been a borderline child between extrovert and an introvert. As…
There might not be much to work with when it comes to decorating your dorm…